User contributions
- 19:17, 24 January 2017 (diff | hist) . . (+140) . . Talk:Legend Homebrew (→So...)
- 21:37, 18 July 2014 (diff | hist) . . (+5) . . m Phantasm (Legend Racial Track) (Medium is average nowadays) (current)
- 10:57, 6 January 2014 (diff | hist) . . (+109) . . Talk:No restoration bloat (Legend Variant Rule) (current)
- 10:55, 6 January 2014 (diff | hist) . . (+548) . . No restoration bloat (Legend Variant Rule) (Why is it needed) (current)
- 17:04, 5 January 2014 (diff | hist) . . (-1) . . m No restoration bloat (Legend Variant Rule) (really fixed it…)
- 17:03, 5 January 2014 (diff | hist) . . (-7) . . m No restoration bloat (Legend Variant Rule) (fixed category)
- 17:01, 5 January 2014 (diff | hist) . . (+724) . . N No restoration bloat (Legend Variant Rule) (Created page with "{{author |author_name=Tenno Seremel |date_created=2012-05-02 |status=Complete }}<div class="blank"> Summary::Restoration line is redundant. </div> Whenever you cast cert...")
- 11:32, 29 June 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+248) . . Phantasm (Legend Racial Track) (Changed C6 because of 1.0 changes.)
- 20:04, 28 June 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+143) . . Talk:Phantasm (Legend Racial Track) (→C6: new section) (current)
- 21:44, 18 June 2013 (diff | hist) . . (-1) . . m Final Dead (Legend Feat) (1.0) (current)
- 21:33, 18 June 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+42) . . Unwavering Dream (Legend Item) (1.0 changes) (current)
- 18:34, 18 June 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+5) . . m Phantasm (Legend Racial Track) (pre-1.0 medium size is 1.0 average)
- 18:30, 23 March 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+413) . . Talk:Mystic (Legend Track) (current)
- 17:40, 22 March 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+94) . . N Talk:Mystic (Legend Track) (Created page with "= Note = Idea was interesting, implementation… not quite sure this is what I was expecting.")
- 18:46, 15 February 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+3) . . m Shadow Incantation (Legend Feat) ("expended" goes to both lines.) (current)
- 16:02, 15 February 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+1,475) . . N Shadow Incantation (Legend Feat) (Created page with "{{author |author_name=Tenno Seremel |date_created=2013-02-14 |status=Complete }} <onlyinclude>{{Legend Feat |name=Shadow Incantation |summary=Your shadow is rather unusual. I...")
- 12:17, 27 January 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+5) . . m Inquisitor (Legend Track) (rewording) (current)
- 12:12, 27 January 2013 (diff | hist) . . (0) . . m Inquisitor (Legend Track) (On fire is now called Burning.)
- 07:21, 27 January 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+709) . . N Final Dead (Legend Feat) (Created page with "{{author |author_name=Tenno Seremel |date_created=2012-10-13 |status=Complete }} <onlyinclude>{{Legend Feat |name=Final Dead |types=Iconic |summary=Healing is not going to wo...")
- 10:09, 22 January 2013 (diff | hist) . . (-1) . . m Efficient Spellcasting (Legend Feat) (Removed dot from prerequisites...) (current)
- 10:02, 22 January 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+1,092) . . N Efficient Spellcasting (Legend Feat) (Created page with "{{author |author_name=Tenno Seremel |date_created=2013-01-11 |status=Complete }} <onlyinclude>{{Legend Feat |name=Efficient Spellcasting |types=Skill |summary=Learn lower cir...")
- 11:13, 8 December 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+670) . . N Unwavering Dream (Legend Item) (Created page with "{{author |author_name=Tenno Seremel |date_created=2012-12-08 |status=Complete }} ==Unwavering Dream== {{Legend Item |tier=Greater |description=You've unlocked a power arisin...")
- 20:45, 11 November 2012 (diff | hist) . . (0) . . Template:Legend Track (1st, 2st, 3st aren't the words we are looking for) (current)
- 10:30, 28 October 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+27) . . Phantasm (Legend Racial Track) (→{{Anchor|Track}}: err… missed this part about usable manifest too)
- 10:25, 28 October 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+17) . . Phantasm (Legend Racial Track) (→{{Anchor|Track}}: added action type for manifest)
- 10:15, 28 October 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+4,555) . . N Phantasm (Legend Racial Track) (Created page with "{{author |author_name=Tenno Seremel |date_created=2012-03-19 |status=Complete }}<div class="blank"> Summary::A personification of emotion or idea. </div> {{Legend Race |a...")
- 23:26, 19 October 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+173) . . Talk:Combat Detector (Legend Item) (Added rating.)
- 23:16, 19 October 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+158) . . N Talk:Tome (Legend Item) (Added rating.) (current)
- 23:09, 19 October 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+104) . . N Talk:Sniper (Legend Track) (Added rating.)
- 22:50, 19 October 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+297) . . Talk:Combat Detector (Legend Item) (→What's this all about?)
- 22:44, 19 October 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+557) . . N Nature of the Beast (Legend Item) (Created page with "{{author |author_name=Tenno Seremel |date_created=2012-06-?? |status=Complete }} ==Nature of the Beast== {{Legend Item |tier=Greater |description=You've unlocked a power ari...") (current)
- 22:26, 19 October 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+436) . . Talk:Combat Detector (Legend Item) (→What's this all about?)
- 22:12, 19 October 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+246) . . Talk:Combat Detector (Legend Item) (→What's this all about?)
- 22:02, 19 October 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+510) . . Talk:Combat Detector (Legend Item) (→What's this all about?: new section)
- 20:11, 18 October 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+3) . . m Mystic (Legend Track) (→Track Abilities: reworded a bit circle 7) (current)
- 19:44, 18 October 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+7,311) . . N Mystic (Legend Track) (Created page with "{{author |author_name=Tenno Seremel |date_created=2012-05-31 |status=Complete }}<div class="blank"> [[Summary::Supporting and somewhat defensive track with a number of long ra...")
- 19:46, 15 October 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+114) . . User talk:Tenno Seremel (→Formatting) (current)
- 16:28, 14 October 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+5) . . Sniper (Legend Track) (→Track Abilities: That's what is written in that Mistify's thread. You need to choose one of 2nd circle abilities.)
- 15:56, 14 October 2012 (diff | hist) . . (-11) . . m Master of Time and Space (Legend Track) (→Track Abilities: 4th circle written 2 times)
- 12:52, 14 October 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+2,607) . . N Inquisitor (Legend Track) (Created page with "{{author |author_name=Tenno Seremel |date_created=2012-03-08 |status=Complete }}<div class="blank"> Summary::Supporting track to annoy your enemies. </div> ==Inquisitor=...")
- 09:27, 14 October 2012 (diff | hist) . . (-1) . . m White Mage (Legend Feat) (Well… dot removed.)
- 09:24, 14 October 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+664) . . N White Mage (Legend Feat) (Created page with "{{author |author_name=Tenno Seremel |date_created=2012-04-23 |status=Complete }} <onlyinclude>{{Legend Feat |name=White Mage |types=Iconic |summary=Allows you to learn healin...")
- 09:22, 14 October 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+108) . . N User:Tenno Seremel (Created page with "Risk? What risk? We grab the treasure, and if a monster comes at us, we hammer it. Where's the risk in that?") (current)