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User:MisterSinister/Monster Cage

37 bytes added, 19:28, 17 November 2010
Abaddon's Equipment
''Perfect Doombringer'' is a ''+6 scimitar'', but its enhancement bonus is superceded by Abaddon's [[#Lord of the Abyss|Lord of the Abyss]] ability. Additionally, it ignores DR and hardness of any kind and deals 2d6 damage and 2 points of Constitution damage on every hit in addition to its normal damage.
Additionally, the first creature to be struck by ''Perfect Doombringer'' each round is affected by [[Turn To The Abyss (3.5e Spell)|''morality undoneturn to the Abyss'']]. This happens as a free action (requiring no input from Abaddon), has a save DC of 33 (Charisma-based) and caster level 23rd.

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