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User:MisterSinister/Monster Cage

6,751 bytes added, 19:42, 19 November 2010
The beginning...
|contributors=ThunderGod Cid|date_created=November 19th20th, 2010
=== Corrupt Domain Information About Malcanthet ===
{{Summary'''Alternative Names and Titles:: A domain of the evil powers of the demons. }}'''
===== Granted Power ====='''Symbol:'''
Once per day'''Portfolio:''' Ruin, you can declare that one of your spells or spell-like abilities deals vile damage instead of its normal damage type. You may make this decision after any other dice rolls for the spell have been madebringing down anything good about everything, but before damage has been rolled.seduction
==== '''Domains Granted:''' [[SRD:Chaos_Domain|Chaos]], [[Corrupt (3.5e Cleric Domain Spells ====)|Corrupt]], [[SRD:Evil_Domain|Evil]], [[Seduction (3.5e Cleric Domain)|Seduction]], [[SRD:Trickery_Domain|Trickery]]
# [[Erzebet's Skull Bomb (3.5e Spell)|''ErzebetFavoured Weapon:'s skull bomb'']]# [[Elush's Eye-Blasting Explosion (3.5e Spell)|''Elush's eyeWhip-blasting explosion'']]# [[Rapture of Rupture (3.5e Spell)|''Rapture of rupture'']]# [[Turn To The Abyss (3.5e Spell)|''Turn to the abyss'']]# [[Elush's Epiphyseal Erosion (3.5e Spell)|''Elush's epiphyseal erosion'']]# [[Elush's Elemental Extraction (3.5e Spell)|''Elush's elemental extraction'']]# [[Torn From Within (3.5e Spell)|''Torn from within'']]# [[Elush's Explosive Exsanguination (3.5e Spell)|''Elush's explosive exsanguination'']]# [[Apocalypse From The Sky (3.5e Spell)|''Apocalypse from the sky'']]dagger
=== Malcanthet's Statistics Block ===
{{3.5e Monster Classic
|monster=Malcanthet, Worlds' Ruin
|size=Medium |type=Outsider |subtypes=Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar
|hd=23d8 |hp=
|speed=ft, fly ft (perfect)
|ac= |touch= |flat=
|bab=+23 |grapple=
|space=10ft |reach=10ft
|sa=[[#Alter Reality|Alter reality]], ''dispel good'' (see [[SRD:Dispel Good|spell description]]), ''dispel law'' (see [[SRD:Dispel Law|spell description]]), [[#Ravage Form|ravage form]], [[#Spell-Like Abilities|spell-like abilities]]
|sq=[[SRD:Darkvision|Darkvision]] 60ft, ''cloak of chaos'' (see [[SRD:Cloak of Chaos|spell description]]), [[#Fallen Angel|fallen angel]], [[#Godlike|godlike]], immune to acid, cold, electricity, petrification and poison, [[#Lord of the Abyss|lord of the Abyss]], [[SRD:Low-Light Vision|low-light vision]], [[#Protective Aura|protective aura]], resistance to fire 25, spell resistance 35, telepathy 1000ft, [[#Tongues|tongues]], ''unholy aura'' (see [[SRD:Unholy Aura|spell description]]),
|fort= |ref= |will=
|str= |dex= |con= |int= |wis= |cha=
|env=A [[SRD:Chaotic Evil|chaotic-evil]] aligned plane
|org=Solitary or orgy (Malcanthet plus any number creatures the GM deems suitable)
|treas=, plus any treasure the GM deems acceptable
|align=Always chaotic evil
''Description of Malcanthet will go here.''
Malcanthet's background story goes here.
=== Combat ===
Some stuff about how Malcanthet fights will go here.
'''{{Anchor|Alter Reality}} ([[Sp]]):''' Malcanthet has the ability to advance her portfolio. This is considered identical to the [[SRD:Wish|''wish'']] spell, but may only be used to produce effects appropriate to Malcanthet's portfolio or goals. Malcanthet may only use this ability once per minute.
'''{{Anchor|Fallen Angel}} ([[Ex]]):''' While she no longer calls herself an angel, Malcanthet still shares many of their traits. At the same time, while not being a true demon, Malcanthet has taken on many of their traits. This gives her [[SRD:Darkvision|darkvision]] 60ft, [[SRD:Low-Light Vision|low-light vision]], immunity to acid, cold, electricity, petrification and poison, resistance to fire 25, and telepathy out to 1000ft.
'''{{Anchor|Godlike}}:''' Although Malcanthet is not a true deity, he has many of the powers of such. She can grant spells to clerics, and gives access to the [[SRD:Chaos_Domain|Chaos]], [[Corrupt (3.5e Cleric Domain)|Corrupt]], [[SRD:Evil_Domain|Evil]], [[Seduction (3.5e Cleric Domain)|Seduction]] and [[SRD:Trickery_Domain|Trickery]] domains. Her favoured weapon is the whip-dagger and her portfolio is ruin, bringing down anything good about everything and seduction.
Additionally, Malcanthet is immune to any attack that changes her form, mind-affecting effects, ability damage, ability drain and energy drain, unless such an effect comes from a creature that has a caster level or character level (or CR, for monsters) over 20.
'''{{Anchor|Lord of the Abyss}} ([[Su]]):''' Malcanthet is an ancient evil, and one of the greatest of her kind. As a result, she receives a +8 enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls, a +8 resistance bonus to all saves and a +6 deflection bonus to AC. Malcanthet also has maximum hit points per hit die.
Additionally, the Abyss itself protects Malcanthet from any attempt to scry on her. Anyone that uses a divination effect on Malcanthet or the area within 1 mile of her must make a DC 33 Will save or become dazed for 1 round, and ending the effect automatically. Additionally, if the save is failed and Malcanthet wishes it, she can use an immediate action to transport herself over to the location of the user of the divination effect, even if it is on a different plane.
Lastly, Malcanthet's very presence is a blight on the surrounding area. She radiates a [[SRD:Desecrate|''desecrate'']] spell effect to a radius of twenty miles, and the innermost mile of this is subject to an [[SRD:Unhallow|''unhallow'']] effect instead, both at caster level 23rd.
'''{{Anchor|Protective Aura}} ([[Su]]):''' Just like other angels, Malcanthet radiates a protective aura, although hers is very different in its nature to that of other angels. This aura provides a +4 deflection bonus to AC and a +4 resistance bonus on all saves to all allies within 40ft of Malcanthet against any abilities from good or lawful creatures. Additionally, it functions as a [[SRD:Magic Circle Against Good|''magic circle against good'']], [[SRD:Magic Circle Against Law|''magic circle against law'']] and a [[SRD:Globe of Invulnerability|''globe of invulnerability'']] out to a radius of 40ft (caster level 23rd). These are not included in Malcanthet's statistics block.
'''{{Anchor|Ravage Form}} ([[Sp]]):''' As a full-round action, Malcanthet may bestow her ravage on a creature eligible to gain a level. That creature gains its first level in the ravaged by Malcanthet racial paragon class. If Malcanthet attempts to ravage an unwilling creature, it receives a DC X Will save to resist (Cha-based).
If Malcanthet wishes, she can attempt to share the senses of a creature that has at least one level in ravaged by Malcanthet. This works identically to a [[SRD:Scrying|''scrying'']] spell, except it must be centred on the creature in question. The creature doesn't get any say in the matter. Malcanthet may use this ability at will. This has a caster level of 23rd.
Additionally, if any creature with at least one level in ravaged by Malcanthet attempts to affect Malcanthet or the area within 20 miles of her with any ability, Malcanthet may choose to use [[SRD:Dominate Monster|''dominate monster'']] on that creature as a free action that she can use even outside of her turn. The creature receives a DC X save as normal. This has a caster level of 23rd, and the DC is Charisma-based.
'''{{Anchor|Spell-Like Abilities}}:''' At-will - [[SRD:animate Objects|''animate objects'']], [[SRD:Blasphemy|''blasphemy'']], [[SRD:Chaos Hammer|''chaos hammer'']] (can be used as a swift action), [[SRD:Cloak of Chaos|''cloak of chaos'']], [[SRD:Create Undead|''create undead'']], [[SRD:Desecrate|''desecrate'']], [[SRD:Dispel Good|''dispel good'']], [[SRD:Dispel Law|''dispel law'']], [[SRD:Greater Dispel Magic|''greater dispel magic'']] (can be used as a free action 3/round), [[SRD:Greater Teleport|''greater teleport'']], [[SRD:Magic Circle Against Good|''magic circle against good'']], [[SRD:Magic Circle Against Law|''magic circle against law'']], [[SRD:Protection from Good|''protection from good'']], [[SRD:Protection from Law|''protection from law'']], [[SRD:Shatter|''shatter'']] (can be used as a swift action), [[SRD:Summon Monster IX|''summon monster IX'']] (chaotic or evil creatures only), [[SRD:Unholy Aura|''unholy aura'']], [[SRD:Unholy Blight|''unholy blight'']] (can be used as a swift action), [[SRD:Word of Chaos|''word of chaos'']]; 1/day - [[SRD:Gate|''gate'']], [[SRD:Mage's Disjunction|''mage's disjunction'']]. Caster level 23rd. Save DCs are Charisma-based (X by default)
'''{{Anchor|Tongues}} ([[Su]]):''' Malcanthet can speak to any creature, as if under the effects of a [[SRD:Tongues|''tongues'']] spell (caster level 23rd). This ability is always active.
=== Malcanthet's Equipment ===
Stuff Malcanthet uses to come.
=== Malcanthet's Worshippers ===
Some information on Malcanthet's worshippers to come.
{{Liber Demonica Breadcrumb}}<br>
{{3.5e Cleric Domains Monsters Breadcrumb}}{{:User:MisterSinister/Sandbox}}

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