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User:MisterSinister/Monster Cage

866 bytes added, 22:38, 12 December 2010
The beginning...
All, that is, except one.
Unknown to both Adam and Pale Night, the love-venom had worked a little ''too'' well, as Astara was not the only planar being that was attracted to it. Adam had also unwittingly ensnared Baba Yaga, who found that, unlike all of the men she had deceived, killed and eaten, she wanted him alive - and in her bed. However, Astara had arrived on the location sooner, and Baba Yaga did not dare attempt to interfere in the work of an angel. After Adam's death, Baba Yaga was among the crying women and men that buried him. However, unlike all of them, she had the means and the power to return Adam to life. While she didn't know about the love-venom or the destruction of his soul, she understood very well that his power was not mortal in origin, and her desire to understand (and perhaps even harness) this power was certainly part of her motivation to restore Adam's life. [much more stuff to come here]
=== Combat ===

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