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8 bytes added, 00:18, 29 January 2011
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{{4e Creature Power
|name=Spawn Generate Creep
|effect=Close burst 3;<br />''Special:'' This power cannot be used if the overlord is at an altitude greater than 5 squares. The burst is centered on the ground directly beneath the overlord. <br />''Effect:'' The ground is covered in a writhing layer of creep. Any ''zerg'' beginning its turn on the creep may move 2 additional squares the next time it take takes a normal move action.<br />''Maintain:'' Move action. Each time the overlord maintains this zone, its area increases by 1 square to a maximum of 8 squares. When this effect ends, the creep persists, receding 1 square each round. Moving automatically ends this effect.
{{4e Creature Bottom
{{4e Creature Power
|name=Spawn Generate Creep
|effect=Close burst 3;<br />''Special:'' This power cannot be used if the overlord is at an altitude greater than 5 squares. The burst is centered on the ground directly beneath the overlord. <br />''Effect:'' The ground is covered in a writhing layer of creep. Any ''zerg'' beginning its turn on the creep may move 2 additional squares the next time it take takes a normal move action.<br />''Maintain:'' Move action. Each time the overlord maintains this zone, its area increases by 1 square to a maximum of 8 squares. When this effect ends, the creep persists, receding 1 square each round. Moving automatically ends this effect.
{{4e Creature Power

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