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Dark Travellers (4e Monster)

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Sophyia, the Emerald Archer
===Sophyia, the Emerald Archer===
Sophyia has a knack for things that move-- she is a wild huntress with a disposition to evade detection as much as possible. She can also confuse her enemies by deploying an illusion around herself to cause misjudgements into her foes. Overall, she is a mighty hunter who knows the tricks of the trade. She carries around a particularly small, sharp hunting knife and a large bow crafted out of leaves and branches of the Fey Wood-- her arrows are formed in midair as glowing rods of emerald light, hence why she is dubbed the Emerald Archer.
{{4e Creature Top
|name=Sophyia, the Emerald Archer
|role=Solo Artillery (''Leader'')
|xp=30,250|initiative=+23|senses=Perception +26; ''Low-light Vision''|aura1=Emerald Aura|aurakeyword1=Illusion|aurarange1=5|auraeffect1=Each enemy within the aura at the start of her next turn treat her has having cover from melee and ranged attacks.|aura2=|aurakeyword2=Archer's Eye|aurarange2=10|auraeffect2=|special=|effect=''When bloodied''; Sophyia gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against creatures within difficult terrain.|hp=688|bloodied=344|ac=42|fortitude=35|reflex=39|will=36|immune/resist/vulnerable='''Resist''' 5 All|savingthrows=+5 (''+7 against dazed & slowed'')|speed=8 (''Forest Walk''); '''Teleport''' 5|actionpoints=2}}{{4e Creature Power|type={{BR}}|name=Emerald Greatbow|action=standard|recharge=at-will|effect=+32 vs. AC; '''Ranged''' 20/ 40; 2d6 +8 damage (''+2d8 damage with combat advantage'')}}{{4e Creature Power|type={{BM}}|name=Hunting Knife|action=standard|recharge=at-will|effect=+32 vs. AC; 2d6 damage (''+3d6 damage with combat advantage'')}}{{4e Creature Power|type={{R}}|name=Combat Threat|action=standard|recharge=at-will|effect=Sophyia can make two basic ranged or melee attacks at one or two different creatures. If both attacks hit, Sophyia can make an additional ranged attack-- or the target takes an additional 1d6 damage if it was melee.
{{4e Creature Power
|type={{R}}|name=Emerald Shot|action=standard|recharge=at-will|effect=+30 vs. reflex; ''each creature in a straight line within 20 squares''; 3d6 +8 damage, and the target is slowed until the end of Sophyia's next turn. '''Miss''': Half damage, and the target is weakened until the start of her next turn.}}{{4e Creature Power|type={{C}}|name=Arc of Arrows|action=standard|recharge=recharge {{5}} {{6}}|effect=+28 vs. Reflex; '''Close Burst 10'''; 4d6 +8 damage, and the target is dazed and takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (''save ends both'')}}{{4e Creature Power|type={{R}}|name=Emerald Rain|action=standard|recharge=recharge when bloodied; encounter|effect=+28 vs. Reflex; ''each creature within ranged 10''; 4d8 +8 damage, and the target is immobilized (''save ends''). '''Miss''': Half damage, and the target suffers a -2 penalty to all defenses (''save ends'').}}{{4e Creature Power|type={{R}}|name=Powerful Shot|action=standard|recharge=recharge {{6}}; encounter|effect=+30 vs. fortitude; ''Ranged 20''; 5d10 +8 damage, and the target is stunned (''save ends''). '''Aftereffect''': The target suffers a -4 penalty to all defenses (''save ends''). '''Miss''': Half damage, and the target suffers a -2 penalty to all defenses until the end of her next turn.}}{{4e Creature Power|name=Combat Advantage|effect=Sophyia gains a +4 bonus to damage rolls against targets she has combat advantage against.}}{{4e Creature Power|name=Crystalline Cohorts|action=minor|recharge=2/ encounter|effect=Sophyia can summon an emerald shadow or two emerald minions within 5 squares of her.}}{{4e Creature Power|name=Displacement|action=minor|recharge=encounter|keywords=Illusion|effect=Until the end of the encounter, each enemy that attacks Sophyia with a melee or ranged attack must roll 2d20's and take the lower result. If Sophyia uses this power when she is bloodied, all attacks made against her are affected the same way; in this fashion, if a target misses her with a ranged or melee attack as a result of this effect, she can shift 1 square.}}{{4e Creature Power|name=Emerald Transposition|action=free, ''when Sophyia scores a critical hit with a ranged attack''|keywords=Teleportation|effect=Sophyia and the target switch places.}}{{4e Creature Power|name=Hunter's Grace|action=immediate reaction, ''when a melee or ranged attack misses Sophyia''|recharge=1/ round|effect=Sophyia can shift half her speed, and she gains a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end of her next turn (''the bonus becomes +4 when she is bloodied'').}}{{4e Creature Power|name=Hunter's Quarry|action=minor|effect=Sophyia gains combat advantage against the creature she marks as her quarry. The effect is transferred if she marks a different creature as her quarry.}}{{4e Creature Power|name=Staggering Critical|action=''when Sophyia scores a critical hit with a ranged attack''|effect=The target suffers a -2 penalty to all defenses and is knocked prone.}}{{4e Creature Power|name=Tenacious Bow|action=free, ''when Sophyia makes a ranged basic attack''|effect=Sophyia can roll two attack rolls and take the better of the two.
<!--repeat as required-->
{{4e Creature Bottom
|alignment=Unaligned|languages=Common, Elven|skills=Acrobatics +28; Dungeoneering +26; Endurance +26; Insight +26; Nature +26; Perception +26; Stealth +28; Streetwise +25|feats=Quick Draw|strength=20|strbonus=+17|dexterity=26|dexbonus=+23|wisdom=23|wisbonus=+21|constitution=22|conbonus=+21|intelligence=20|intbonus=+20|charisma=24|chabonus=+22|equipment=Emerald Greatbow, Hunting Knife, Displacer Leather Armor +5
====Emerald Shadows====
Minor archers shaped similarly like shardminds, they shoot long shafts of crystalline arrows at their enemies much like Sophyia's shafts of emerald energy. These figures aren't as tricky as Sophyia, but have plenty of other tricks-- a few that even rival that of Sophyia's true potential.
{{4e Creature Top
|name=Emerald Shadow
|keyword=Living Construct
|senses=Perception +21
|aura1=Shard Link
|auraeffect1=The emerald shadow and each animate ally within the aura gain a +2 bonus to all defenses as long as it or any of its allies have combat advantage against a creature. This bonus does not overlap with other emerald shadow's auras.
|aura2=Shard Swarm
|auraeffect1=''When Bloodied''; Each enemy within the aura takes a -1 penalty to melee attack rolls against the emerald shadow.
|immune/resist/vulnerable='''Resist''' 5 all
|savingthrows=+2 against dazed & slowed
|speed=6 (''Forest Walk''); '''Teleport''' 3
{{4e Creature Power
|name=Shard Bow
|effect=+30 vs. AC; '''Ranged''' 15/ 30; 3d6 +8 damage
{{4e Creature Power
|name=Shard Knife
|effect=+30 vs. AC; 2d6 damage (''plus 2d6 damage with combat advantage'')
{{4e Creature Power
|name=Focused Shot
|recharge=recharge {{5}} {{6}}; at-will
|effect=+30 vs. reflex; '''Ranged''' 15; 4d6 +6 damage
{{4e Creature Power
|name=Emerald Shard
|recharge=recharge when bloodied; encounter
|effect=+28 vs. reflex; '''Ranged''' 20; 4d6 +8 damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses until the end of the minion's next turn.
{{4e Creature Power
|name=Powerful Shot
|effect=+28 vs. fortitude; '''Ranged''' 20; 4d12 +8 damage, and the target is immobilized and takes a -2 penalty to all defenses (''save ends'').
{{4e Creature Power
|name=Combat Advantage
|effect=The shadow gains a +3 bonus to damage rolls against creatures it has combat advantage against.
{{4e Creature Power
|name=Hunter's Grace
|action=immediate reaction, ''when the shadow is missed by a melee or ranged attack''
|recharge=1/ round
|effect=The shadow shifts half its speed, and gains a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end of its next turn.
{{4e Creature Power
|name=Hunter's Quarry
|effect=The shadow gains combat advantage against the creature it marks as its quarry. The effect is transferred if it marks a different creature as its quarry.
{{4e Creature Power
|name=Shattering Shard
|action=''when the shadow scores a critical hit with a ranged attack''
|effect=Each creature adjacent to the target of the attack takes 2d8 damage.
{{4e Creature Bottom
|languages=Common, Deep Speech, Elven
|skills=Acrobatics +22; Endurance +21; Insight +21; Nature +21; Perception +21; Stealth +22; Streetwise +20
|feats=Quick Draw
|equipment=Shardcraft Longbow, Shard Knife, Shardlink Chain Armor
{{4e Creature Top
|name=Emerald Minion
|role=Elite Minion
|keyword=Living Shardmind
|senses=Perception +20
{{4e Creature Power
|name=Shard Bow
|effect=+27 vs. AC; '''Ranged''' 15/ 30; 2d8 +8 damage
{{4e Creature Power
|name=Shard Knife
|effect=+27 vs. AC; 2d6 damage (''plus 2d6 damage with combat advantage'')
{{4e Creature Power
|name=Emerald Shard
|effect=+25 vs. reflex; '''Ranged''' 20; 4d6 +8 damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses until the end of the minion's next turn.
{{4e Creature Power
|name=Combat Advantage
|effect=The minion gains a +2 bonus to damage rolls against creatures it has combat advantage against.
{{4e Creature Power
|name=Hunter's Haste
|action=immediate reaction, ''when the minion is missed by a melee or ranged attack''
|recharge=1/ round
|effect=The minion shifts half its speed and the attacking creature grants combat advantage against the minion until the end of its next turn.
{{4e Creature Bottom
|languages=Deep Speech, Elven
|skills=Acrobatics +22; Enduurance +21; Insight +20; Nature +19; Perception +20; Stealth +22
|equipment=Shardcraft Longbow, Shard Knife, Shardlink Chain Armor
===Shagun, the Freelancer===

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