getting in more stuff
== Manuevers ==
This section will introduce some new actions. The below action type is added:
*'''Simultaneous Actions''' are reactions to a stimulous and can only be applied to that particualar set of stimuli. These represnt reactions (attack of opportunity), side by side actions (the free attack gained on a successful trip), and occasionally abortive moves (saves). Unless stated otherwise, a simultaneous action may only be taken once per turn and is essentially a swift action. Once a simultaneous action is taken another one can not be taken until the next round.
=== Attack ===
The attack is pretty stright forward- you strike at your opponent and either deal damage or don't. However, we can make things fun with unlockable options like these:
==== Power Attack- Heavy Assault ====
By taking Power Attack and shifting accuracy for damage, your attacks become Heavy Assaults. Aside from increased damage, you can send opponents flying. If damage done to a target no more than one size larger than you equals or exceeds the creatures Constitution, he gains the Airborne condition and is sent back a number of feet equal to the ammount of damage dealt- his Constitution. If this would send him flying into a hard surface, he takes and deals damge to the object equal to the remainder of the feet he should have flown.
==== Combat Expertise- Counter Attack ====
By taking combat expertise and using it to fight defensively you can set up your foe, gaining a bonus to attack rolls on your target equal to the ammount he misses your Dodge or Parry Defense, up to a maximum of the ammount of attack you currently have placed in Defense.
==== Weapon Finesse- Finesse Attack ====
Taking this feat allows you a special combat option- by purposely including your foes Armor and /or Natural Armor bonuses into his current Defense against your attacks you may ignore the related Damage Reduction on a hit.
=== Disarm ===
=== Fient ===
=== Grapple ===
=== Trip ===
=== Steal ===
=== Dirty Trick ===
== Conditions ==
== Conditions ==