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Primitive Machete (3.5e Equipment)

1,613 bytes added, 02:31, 28 March 2011
Primitive Machete
|date_created=27 March 2011

{{3.5e Mundane Weapon
|weap=Primitive Machete

A primitive machete is a weighted blade, usually made of bone or stone. While it makes an excellent weapon (and are often the default swords used by primitive tribes), its primary purpose is to cut through and destroy hard materials such as sandstone and small trees. If used against an object, a primitive machete ignores the first 3 points of hardness possessed by the object.

Although it is categorized as an exotic weapon, a primitive machete can be used by those not trained in its use as a martial weapon. If it is used as a martial weapon, the wielder of a primitive machete cannot take advantage of its ability to damage objects. More importantly, it is not as sturdy as a more modern weapon. When used by someone not trained in how to properly care for it, primitive machetes tend to break. Every time a character using a primitive machete as a martial weapon deals damage over the weapon's normal maximum (this might result from a high Strength score, using the Power Attack feat, or making a critical hit), the character must make a reflex save (10 + the damage dealt by the attack) or the machete breaks and becomes useless. A character with the proper Exotic Weapon Proficiency does not need to worry about breakage.

{{3.5e Mundane Weapons Breadcrumb}}

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