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Toy Swarms (4e Monster)

1,329 bytes added, 05:56, 8 April 2011
Evil Toy Soldier
|xp=250|initiative=+8|senses=Perception +5|aura1=|aurakeyword1=Soldier's Riposte|aurarange1=1|auraeffect1=|aura2=|aurakeyword2=|aurarange2=|auraeffect2=|special=|effect=Any enemy that makes an opportunity attack against the Toy Soldier within its aura takes 1d8 damage|hp=71|bloodied=35|ac=22|fortitude=17|reflex=18|will=|immune/resist/vulnerable=|savingthrows=17|speed=|actionpoints=6
{{4e Creature Power
|type={{BM}}|name=Toy Rapier|action=standard|recharge=at-will|keywords=Weapon|effect=+13 vs. AC; 1d6 +4 damage}}{{4e Creature Power|type={{M}}|name=Dual Strike|action=standard|recharge=at-will|effect=The Toy Soldier can make two Rapier attacks against one or two targets. If both attacks hit, the toy soldier gains a +1 bonus to AC and Reflex until the end of its next turn.}}{{4e Creature Power|type={{C}}|name=Silver Curtain|action=standard|recharge=recharge when bloodied; encounter|effect=+11 vs. Reflex; '''Close Burst''' 1; 3d6 +4 damage, and the target grants combat advantage until the end of the toy soldier's next turn.}}{{4e Creature Power|name=Combat Advantage|effect=The toy soldier deals an extra 1d6 damage to each target it has combat advantage against}}{{4e Creature Power|name=Soldier's Footing|action=immediate reaction, ''when missed by a melee or ranged attack''|effect=The Toy Soldier can shift 2 squares and gain a +1 bonus to all defenses until the start of its next turn.
<!--repeat as required-->
{{4e Creature Bottom
|alignment=Evil|languages=Common|skills=|feats=Insight +10; Streetwise +9|strength=15|strbonus=+5|dexterity=16|dexbonus=+6|wisdom=14|wisbonus=+5|constitution=15|conbonus=+5|intelligence=13|intbonus=+4|charisma=14|chabonus=+5
====Toy Soldier Tactics====
The toy soldier is a tough opponent-- especially when dealt with in large groups. The toy soldier's ''Silver Curtain'' attack paves the way for it to slip past the defenses of its opponents and for its allies. They also take the opportunity to smack their opponents in retaliation to their retaliation.

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