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Dark Travellers (4e Monster)

No change in size, 17:53, 23 April 2011
Sophyia, the Emerald Archer
|initiative=+2320|senses=Perception +2623; ''Low-light Vision''
|aura1=Emerald Aura
|immune/resist/vulnerable='''Resist''' 5 All
|savingthrows=+5 (''+7 against dazed & slowed'')
|effect=+32 31 vs. AC; '''Ranged''' 20/ 40; 2d6 +8 damage (''+2d8 damage with combat advantage'')
{{4e Creature Power
|effect=+32 31 vs. AC; 2d6 damage (''+3d6 damage with combat advantage'')
{{4e Creature Power
|effect=+30 27 vs. reflex; ''each creature in a straight line within 20 squares''; 3d6 +8 damage, and the target is slowed until the end of Sophyia's next turn. '''Miss''': Half damage, and the target is weakened until the start of her next turn.
{{4e Creature Power
|recharge=recharge {{5}} {{6}}
|effect=+28 27 vs. Reflex; '''Close Burst 10'''; 4d6 +8 damage, and the target is dazed and takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (''save ends both'')
{{4e Creature Power
|recharge=recharge when bloodied; encounter
|effect=+28 27 vs. Reflex; ''each creature within ranged 10''; 4d8 +8 damage, and the target is immobilized (''save ends''). '''Miss''': Half damage, and the target suffers a -2 penalty to all defenses (''save ends'').
{{4e Creature Power
|recharge=recharge {{6}}; encounter
|effect=+30 29 vs. fortitude; ''Ranged 20''; 5d10 +8 damage, and the target is stunned (''save ends''). '''Aftereffect''': The target suffers a -4 penalty to all defenses (''save ends''). '''Miss''': Half damage, and the target suffers a -2 penalty to all defenses until the end of her next turn.
{{4e Creature Power
|languages=Common, Elven
|skills=Acrobatics +2825; Dungeoneering +2623; Endurance +2623; Insight +2623; Nature +2623; Perception +2623; Stealth +2825; Streetwise +2524
|feats=Quick Draw
|equipment=Emerald Greatbow, Hunting Knife, Displacer Leather Armor +5

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