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Prophetic Charge (4e Power)

681 bytes added, 02:42, 3 May 2011
Created page with "{{Author |author_name=Xeadin |date_created=5-2-11 |status=Complete }} <onlyinclude>{{4e Power |name=Prophetic Charge |class=Dreamweaver |type=Attack |level=13 |usage=Encounter |..."

<onlyinclude>{{4e Power
|name=Prophetic Charge
|flavor=You charge with weapon in hand, gleaming with malice.
|keywords=Divine, Implement, Radiant, Weapon
|actiontype=Standard Action
|target=One creature
|hit=3[W] + Wisdom modifier damage and the target is dazed and takes ongoing 5 Radiant damage (''save ends both'').
|miss=1[W] + Wisdom modifier Radiant damage

{{4e Powers Breadcrumb|Dreamweaver}}


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