| act=Standard and activation
| weight=15 lb.
|summary=This strange shield is fashioned from extremely sturdy wood and is emblazoned with a metal sparing in the center.
''[[Summary::This strange shield is fashioned from extremely sturdy wood and is emblazoned with a metal sparing in the center.]]''
This shield functions as a +1 [[SRD:Bashing|bashing]] [[SRD:Darkwood|darkwood]] [[SRD:Light Shield|light shield]]. A metal center element is built into the shield that contains the impact shield's special power. Once per round as a response to an attack made against you, you may make an opposed attack roll against an enemy's melee attack roll as an [[SRD:Immediate Actions|immediate action]]. If your roll beats that of the attacker, the impact shield can be made to absorb the kinetic energy of that melee attack.