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SRD:Unconditional Power

7 bytes added, 05:49, 30 July 2011
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===Unconditional Power [Metapsionic]===
<onlyinclude>{{3.5e Feat|name=Unconditional Power|types=Metapsionic|summary=Disabling conditions do not hold you back.|fluff=Disabling conditions do not hold you back.|prereqs=|benefit====Benefit===== To use this [[SRD:Feats|feat]], you must expend your psionic focus. Your mental strength is enough to overcome some otherwise disabling conditions. You can manifest an unconditional power when you are [[SRD:Dazed|dazed]], ''[[SRD:Confused|confused]], ''[[SRD:Nauseated|nauseated]], <s>[[SRD:Shaken|shaken]], </s>or [[SRD:Stunned|stunned]].
Only personal [[SRD:Powers|powers]] and [[SRD:Powers|powers]] that affect your person can be manifested as unconditional [[SRD:Powers|powers]].
Using this [[SRD:Feats|feat]] increases the [[SRD:Power Points|power point]] cost of the power by 8. The power’s total cost cannot exceed your [[SRD:Manifester Level|manifester level]].|normal=|special=}}</onlyinclude>
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[[Category:Metapsionic Feat|{{BASEPAGENAME}}]]

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