Each for === Parry Defense ==='''Parry''' defenses involve the interception of a blocking object between the defender and the attack , and opperates on the following levels-*Standard Parry uses an intercepting weapon or shield of the defenders choice, forcing the attacker to strike the weapon on a character is subjected near miss.*Defensive Parry doubles the shield bonus to that does not surprise him armor class. If the defender lacks a shield, he can Dodge or Parryinstead gains +2 shield bonus to armor class. Each has it's restrictionsHowever, both both require the character to be able to react this comes with a -4 to the attack and be mobilerolls that round. An immobolized or unaware character can only use his *Evasive Parry duplicates the effects of a Defensive Parry as a full round action, but does not suffer penalties for attacks that do not come from your target, though attacks that come from behind still target your Surprise Defense. NOTE- Parry Defense is ineffective against projectile ranged attacks and touch attacks, and is halved in regards to those attacks.
=== Parry Defense ==='''Parry''' uses the following formulaNear Miss- '''10+BABArmor+Str modShield+Shield bonusNatural Armor+universal defense mods.''' To use your Parry Defense, you must be armed as well as free to fight effectively. When your target takes a five-foot step you get a free 5 foot step as he takes them. Using Parry against attack from anyone other than your target take 5 feet off your movement rate for that round, as an effective Parry Defense relies on moving very little. Parry is ineffective against projectile attacks and ranged touch attacks that originate from outside melee reach or against melee touch attacks, and attempting to use Parry on such attacks result in an automatic hit. Also, equipment tends to get chewed up in a Parrying defense, as each missed attack results in a sunder attack against the defenders choice of his weapon or shield. There are two exceptions to this rule- shields and Improved Unarmed Strike. Shields allow the use of Parry against projectile attacks, but misses always sunder the shield. More detail on object damage can be found in chapter 2. Improved Unarmed Strike allows a character to Parry armed attacks and take no damage. Natural attacks that are used in Parry also follow this rule.
reworking defense
Several refferences to "target" will be made in this section. Your target is the thing you attacked last, and is very much a facing rule. While you take no attck penalties when attacking multiple targets, only the last target counts as your target. If it is a space due to an area effect, your target is a space. This also goes for non-attack actions; a lock is your targwet while picking it, your friend is your target while healing him, etc. Attacks from things that are not your target result in a -2 penalty to defense, while attacks that come from directly oppisite your target always target your Surprise Defense.
Making an attack is resolved normally. Absolutely no changes here. Sorry for the lett let down, but I'm finding nothing wrong with attacks. A few additions have been made to melee attacks to get people moving: every melee attack allows the character to take a five foot step. This will be important in regards to defense. This is for a main (single at full BAB) attack.
Under this sytem iteratives iterative attacks (all attacks past the first one) are taken as a single move actionsaction. If you have multiple iterative attacks, all of them count as one move action. In this combat system, iterative attacks represent desparate flurries and sucker punches, intended to deal damage quickly in a short space of time.
Armor CLassClass will be expanded with Dodge and Parry, howeveras detailed below. Each entry has a Standard, has been killed Defensive and scattered into three parts of awesome- ParryEvasive form, representing regular armor class, Dodgefighting defensively, and Surprise Defensetotal defense respectively. Armor itself will also be covered These rules superceed those in this segementthe PHB. Each entry finishes with a Near Miss threshold. A Near Miss often has partial effect on the target. Attacks that fall below even a Near Miss fail entirely, as well as how to get around itand may threaten the surrounding environment.
=== Dodge Defense ===
'''Dodge''' uses defenses involve manuevering away from an attack, and opperates on the following formulalevels- '''10+BAB+Dex mod+*Standard Dodge bonus+universal defense mods-Armor Check Penaltyforces a 5ft step on a near miss that provokes an attack of opportunity, but never from your target.''' Using your *Defensive Dodge Doubles Dodge requires bonuses at the cost of -4 to attacks that you take round, or a 5 foot step for each attack you are subjected +2 Dodge bonus toAC if the defender has no Dodge bonus. This A near miss forces a five foot step can provoke that forces an attack of opportunity, but never from your target. If You may still attack, but at -4 peanlty.*Evasive Dodge duplicates the effects of Defensive Dodge as a full round action, but on a near miss you can not may take a 5 five foot step, you can that does not Dodgeprovoke an attack of opportunity. However, NOTE- Dodge is effective against all attacks that useless if you are aware of and attack that misses as you Dodge cannot take a five foot step. If this is not possible, then a total near missis counted as a hit. Near Miss- 10+Dex+Dodge+universal defense mods-Armor Check Penalty
'''Uncanny Dodge Rewrite:''' Whenever subject to an attack that would normally target your Surprise Defense, you may instead Dodge, though all the restrictions for Dodge still apply, including the 5 foot step.
=== Surprise Defense ===
'''Surprise''' uses the following formula- '''10+Armor+Natural Armor/DR+Universal defense mods.''' Unlike damage that was dealt by blasting through othe forms of defense, Surprise is when you are unaware of an attack and the attacker is free to work around your armor, utilizing the chinks and flaws. As a result, your natural armor and armor do not porvide Damage Reduction against attacks that target Surprise Defense. Any condition that leaves you flat-footed reduces you to your Surprise Defense. The only exception is touch attacks, which still target your Suprise Defense but without any of the Armor or Natural Armor bonuses. Yeah, it would suck to be you... Unlike the other defenses, there is no Defensive and Evasive form for Surprise Defense. Near Miss- 10-Dex penalty only-Armor Check Penalty
'''Minor Sneak Attack Rewrite:''' Whenever an attack would target Surprise Defense, you deal extra damage. That's it.
These apply to all your Defense traits- Circumstantial, Deflection, Sacred, Profane, Size, Cover, and Insight. Racial and Alchemical bonuses are gone and change into one of the other types, probably natural armor or insight...
=== What Happened to Armor? =Parry, Dodge and Combat Expertise ==Armor Some may have noticed that Combat Expertise has become kind of useless in the face of Dodge and Natural Armor now provide Damage Reduction equal to their protective value on Parry and Dodge, but it is not. In Combat expertise still has the case of creature exact same written effects, but they now stack as an Insight bonus along with Natural Armor '''and''' Damage reduction, use the higher written effects of the two values and tack the result on to defneses except Surprise Defense when that comes up. "But Spaz, what about DR that comes from fast healing rates?" Bullshit, DR should always be from toughness of exteriorwhich has no Defensive or Evasive form. If you want a creature to have freakish healing ratesIn addition, I recommend Fast Healing. DR and Natural armor are Combat Expertise halves the same in this system. A Barbarian does not have an unsual healing rate upon gaining DR, he just has skin like a leahter pancake as a result of his life styleattack penalty for Defensive (-2).
== Breaking Down the Round ==
'''Special- Ready Action:''' At the start of the round, you can change your intitiative by readying an action. How this works- you choose any move or standard action and a stimulous. The stimulous triggers the readied action as a simultaneous action, activated directly after the action that matched the stimulous. The stimulous must be fairly specific and must be observable by your character; while you can ready an attack to shoot the first person who moves (ie takes a move action), but can not ready an action that follows after the first person to sneeze anywhere in the world. Once this simultaneous action is taken, your place in the initiative becomes one lower than the target that set off the stimulous (ie the targets initiative result -1). However, there are drawbacks- you may not act in a round or move faster than half your speed until A) your stimulous conditions are met, or B) you take a stnadard action to cancell the readied action and reroll initiative. Also, if the stimulous is met but you do not want to follow through with it (like if you readied an attack to shoot the first thing that rounds the corner and that "thing" turns out to be an ally), you must succeed on a DC 20 Will save or continue through with the action.
Each manuever listed is made as a substitution of an attack unless stated otherwise, and unless stated otherwise uses the attack bonus of the attack you sacrificed to use the manuever. Keep in mind your first attack is always a standard action, and all iterative attacks are taken together as a move action. Also keep in mind that most of these manuevers substitute an attack, so it is perfectly feasible for a 16th level fighters attacks to look like this- Trip ( followed by free attack, which is made into a Grapple)/Pin/Heavy Assault/Move.
=== Attack ===