Craftsman. Battle Training.
:''{{Anchor|Wild Empathy}} {{Ex}}:'' As the Druid Ability. For every point of Essentia invested into Wild Empathy, add +2 to Wild Empathy rolls and Survival, Ride, and Handle Animal skill checks.
:''{{Anchor|Battle Training}}:'' Gain Proficiency in an Exotic Weapon. For every point of Essentia invested into Battle Training, add +2 Dodge Bonus to AC and +1 1/4 to effective BAB, round down.
:''{{Anchor|Craftsman}}:'' You may craft magical items as if you were a caster with a level equal to your class level and are treated as having access to any spells castable by someone at that level. For every point of Essentia invested into Craftsman, add +2 to Craft and Profession checks.
'''{{Anchor|<-extraordinary class feature->}} {{Ex}}:''' <-class feature game rule information->