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Vigils are ancient constructs of intricate construction, built to be receptacles of the souls of loyal warriors and nobles wishing to transcend their mortal coil. Weaker vigils are animated with artificial souls of rudimentary intellect. Their bodies are a dark brass color, patterned with ornate markings and engravings, and sophisticated mechanisms that move smoothly and flawlessly upon countless of interlocked components. Vigils are constructed of [[Orichalcum (3.5e Equipment)|orichalcum]], a mystical alloy invented and popularized by ancient civilizations, that current day scientists and metallurgists are still struggling to reproduce.
Vigils can speak the Ancient tongue, but rarely do so. When they do speak, their voice sounds disjointed and mechanically hollow. === Combat === Vigils are all immune to [[SRD:Electricity Effect|electricity]], have high [[SRD:Spell Resistance|spell resistance]], and possess a [[SRD:Deflection Bonus|deflection]] bonus to [[SRD:Armor Class|Armor Class]] equal to their [[SRD:Charisma|Charisma]] bonus (if any). More powerful vigils have personal [[Shield (3.5e Creature Ability)|shields]]that function independently from their deflection bonuses, and some carry [[Orichalcum (3.5e Equipment)|orichalcum]] weapons, and are the prime source of such weaponry for aspiring adventurersseeking to claim one.
Vigils are [[SRD:Construct Type|constructs]] with the [[SRD:Augmented Subtype|Augmented]] [[SRD:Undead|Undead]] subtype, giving them [[SRD:Hit Dice|Hit Dice]], [[SRD:Base Attack Bonus|base attack bonus]], base save bonuses and skills as an intelligent [[SRD:Undead Type|undead]], with [[SRD:Construct Type|construct]] traits.
A vigil's natural weapons are considered [[Orichalcum (3.5e Equipment)|orichalcum]], ignoring all [[SRD:Deflection Bonus|deflection bonuses]] to AC and bypassing up to 10 points of [[SRD:Hardness|hardness]] and [[SRD:Damage Reduction|damage reduction]]/[[SRD:Adamantine|adamantine]](higher damage reductions are effectively lessened by 10 points when attacked by a vigil or an orichalcum weapon). All Vigils have the following special abilities. '''{{Anchor|Vigilance}} {{Su}}:''' Vigils are mentally keyed to any traps laid out in the immediate vicinity of their resting place. If within 30 feet of a sleeping Vigil a trap is sprung or a sarcophagus or coffer opened, it immediately wakes up and readies for combat. = Types of Vigils = Vigils come in many shapes and sizes, from the small, insect-like drones all the way to the immensely powerful sentinels and praetorians. They are, however, always [[SRD:Lawful Neutral|lawful]] of alignment, and zealous in their protection duties. An overview of all known mass-produced Vigil types follows below.
== Drone ==
|full_at=[[SRD:Bite|Bite]] +2 melee (1d4+1) or [[#Discharge|discharge]] +2 ranged [[SRD:Touch Attack|touch]] (2d4 [[SRD:Electricity Effect|electricity]])
|space=5 ft. |reach=5 ft.
|sa=[[#Discharge|Discharge]], [[#Vigilance|vigilance]]|sq=[[SRD:Construct Type#Traits|Construct traits]], [[SRD:Darkvision|Darkvision]] 60 ft., [[SRD:Damage Reduction|DR]] 3/[[SRD:Adamantine|adamantine]], immunity to [[SRD:Electricity Effect|electricity]], [[SRD:Low-Light Vision|low-light vision]], [[SRD:Spell Resistance|SR]] 15
|fort=+0 |ref=+2 |will=+3
|str=12 |dex=15 |con=— |int=1 |wis=12 |cha=6
|align=Always [[SRD:LawfulNeutral|lawful]] (any)
=== Combat ===
The walls of ancient crypts and tomb catacombs are lined with specially shaped grooves and indentations called drove alcoves, that perfectly fit a coiled-up drone. When awakening, it unfurls its six legs and springs to life. Drones gain a +10 circumstance bonus to [[SRD:Hide Skill|Hide]] checks while dormant in their alcoves.
'''{{Anchor|Discharge}} {{Su}}:''' Drones can project a powerful electric shock from the array of probes and feelers on its head, dealing 2d4 points of [[SRD:Electricity Effect|electricity]] damage to one creature within 10 feet.
{{3.5e Monster Classic
|monster=<!--Monster Name-->Protector|size= Medium |type= Construct |subtypes=Augmented Undead|hd= 4d12+20 |hp=46|init=+2|speed=30 ft. (6 squares)|ac= 15 (+2 [[SRD:Dexterity|Dex]], +2 [[SRD:Natural Armor|natural]], +1 [[SRD:Deflection Bonus|deflection]]) |touch= 13 |flat=13|bab= +2 |grapple=+5|at=[[SRD:Slam|Slam]] +6 melee (1d6+4)|full_at=2 [[SRD:Slam|slams]] +6 melee (1d6+4)|space= 5 ft. |reach=5 ft.|sa=[[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Spell-Like|Spell-like abilities]], [[#Vigilance|vigilance]]|sq=[[SRD:Construct Type#Traits|Construct traits]], [[SRD:Darkvision|Darkvision]] 60 ft., [[SRD:Damage Reduction|DR]] 5/[[SRD:Adamantine|adamantine]], immunity to [[SRD:Electricity Effect|electricity]], [[SRD:Low-Light Vision|low-light vision]], [[SRD:Spell Resistance|SR]] 17 |fort= +1 |ref= +3 |will=+7|str= 17 |dex= 14 |con= — |int= 10 |wis= 13 |cha=12|skills=[[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge]] (history) +7, [[SRD:Listen Skill|Listen]]|feats=[[SRD:Iron Will|Iron Will]], [[SRD:Weapon Focus|Weapon Focus]] ([[SRD:Slam|slam]])|env=Ancient crypts and ruins|org=Solitary, overwatch (1 protector and 2-4 [[#Drone|drones]] or group (2-6)|cr=3|treas=None or [[Orichalcum (3.5e Equipment)|orichalcum]] [[SRD:Light Weapon|light weapon]] and/or [[Orichalcum (3.5e Equipment)|orichalcum]] [[SRD:Light Shield|light shield]] (see text)|align=Always [[SRD:Lawful Neutral|lawful]] (any)|adv=—|la=—
''As a young adventurer spurred by curiosity and greed parts the lid of the ornate sepulcher at the center of the silent chamber, an alcove in the wall bursts open and releases a flash of bronzed metal from its darkness that charges at the nearest tomb raider with a single-minded fury.''
Protectors are basic Vigils, animated by the souls of rank-and-file soldiers whose only exceptional feature was their undying loyalty to their masters. They were given a humanoid body to reflect their own, and actuate it through memory ingrained deep within their spirit. They stand about 6 feet tall and weigh in at roughly 240 pounds.
=== Combat ===
Protectors rest within [[Orichalcum (3.5e Equipment)|orichalcum]] alcoves built into the walls of any crypt or dungeon they protect, and spring out to attack any interlopers on sight. While they can reason and be reasoned with, they usually strike with an ingrained fury, but may be convinced to let a creature leave in peace, and will often stop pursuing a creature if they flee back to the exit of the place they protect.
Some select protectors were interred within their alcoves with an [[Orichalcum (3.5e Equipment)|orichalcum]] [[SRD:Light Weapon|light weapon]] or [[SRD:Light Shield|light shield]], or both. Protectors guarding important locations or tombs are usually always armed with both, but in most places, only roughly 20% of encountered protectors will carry a weapon or shield, and only 5% will carry both.
'''[[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Spell-Like|Spell-Like Abilities]]:''' 3/day—''[[SRD:Magic Weapon|magic weapon]]'', ''electric arrow'' ([[SRD:Electricity Effect|electricity]]-substituted ''[[SRD:Acid Arrow|acid arrow]]''); 1/day—''[[SRD:Bull's Strength|bull's strength]]''. [[SRD:Caster Level|Caster level]] 5th.