===Physical Description===
Sand Dwarves stand as tall as other Dwarves, and are every bit as stocky. The only real difference between them and other Dwarven peoples is their burnished bronze skin tone, and typically well-kept and (relatively) short beards. By cultural preference, both males and females grow long hair, with the women's hair typically being grown much longer. Even Sand Dwarf women grow out well-groomed sideburns, and it is viewed as an attractive quality by the males. Their eye colors are typically shades of brown or amber, but those born among them with green or blue eyes, while rare, are viewed as blessed by the Gods. Their hair is typically curly or wavy, and is almost always black or dark brown, with strands of silver-gray that begin to appear in a Sand-Dwarf's young adulthood. Elderly Sand Dwarves have hair of almost pure silver-gray or even white.