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Simplified Races (3.5e Variant Rule)

17 bytes added, 04:49, 10 April 2012
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:Combat Ability - Musk: You release a pungent stench in the thick of combat, forcing any enemies within your natural melee reach to make a Fortitude save (DC 11+ HD) each round that they are in the area of effect or be [[SRD:Sickened|sickened]] for that round. A successful save renders them immune to the effect for 24 hours.
:Passive Ability - Amphibious: You breathe underwater as easily as you do in air and have a swim speed of 20 feet.
:Utility Ability - Natural Camouflage: When wielding no weapons, wearing no equipment, carrying nothing and in natural terrain, you do not require concealment or cover in order to [[SRD:Hide Skill|hide]].
==== Warforged ====

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