fixed some stats, wrote some flavor text
{{Stat Block 2
|summary=TBASneering from across the grassy savannah, a crouched feline-like humanoid figure menacingly growls over some browsing prey... when you finally hear him brooding over newfound dinner, it's already too late...
<!-- Base Stats -->
|name=Artathi, Letathen |cr=1/2
|al= [[Chaotic]] |size=[[Medium]] |type=[[Humanoid ]] (Cat)|space= 5 |reach=5
|str=10 |dex=12 |con=8 |int=10 |wis=10 |cha=10
|init=+1 |listen=+0 |spot=+0 |sens=[[SRD:Low-Light Vision|Low-Light Vision]], [[SRD:Scent|Scent]], [[Intuition]]
<!-- Defenses -->
|ac= 12 |acmods= |touch= 12 |flat= 11 |othac=+2 [[Dodge]]|hp= By class |hd= By class |othhp=|fort= +-1|ref= +1|will= +0|othsave=
|immune= |resist= |sr= |pr= |weak=
|spd=30 |burrow=10 |climb=10 |fly= |swim=10 |othspd=
|bab= 0 |grp=0
|melee1=1d3 (claws retracted, or 1d6 if claws extended, never nonlethal)|melee2= |melee3= |melee4=
|skills=[[SRD:Hide|Hide]] +3, [[SRD:Move Silently|Move Silently]] +3 (+7 in tall grass), [[SRD:Balance|Balance]] +7
|lang=RacialArtathi, Common([[Illiterate]])|blang=Elven, Draconic, Giant, Goblin, Sylvan
= Artathi, Letathen =
:Sneering from across the grassy savannah, a crouched feline-like humanoid figure menacingly growls over some browsing prey... when you finally hear him brooding over newfound dinner, it's already too late...
{{OGL Bottom|a creature from [[Publication:Mythic Races (3e)|Mythic Races]]|[[Publication:Mythic Races (3e)|Mythic Races]]}}