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Talk:Outlast the Ages (3.5e Spell)

1,647 bytes added, 23:52, 10 September 2012
Nonmagic focus?
:::This spell converts you from a mortal man to a immortal but item-bound man. So I can see why its instant. I agree with Ghostwheel on the difference between perm and instant being the issue of dispelling. In this case, the only way to undo the fact you are an item-bound immortal is through some mortality-granting effect, correcting the issue without dispelling it. -- [[User:Eiji-kun|Eiji-kun]] 02:38, 10 September 2012 (UTC)
::::What are you saying about Wall of Stone and Fireball? That doesn't sound like a counterargument to me. I never said that instant spells created a permanent effect. It's quite obvious in the rules that instantaneous spells are, logically, instantaneous. Once the fire leaves, the damage can be healed. Obvious stuff. The point was to disprove that there is no difference beyond dispellability, especially given that there are non-dispellable permanent spells. If dispellability was indeed the WHOLE POINT, then we would/could have ridiculous stuff like dispellable damage, or ''continual flames'' with nonmagical sources.
::::What I'm saying is that this spell leaves nonmagical effects with magical qualities. I asked, "What would, after the magic leaves, keep the item extra durable, unenchantable, and life-prolonging?" I guess the item durability part isn't as important. But I still must know, what nonmagical effect left behind makes an item unenchantable? What nonmagical effect makes someone not age only while wearing a specific item? What nonmagical effect, upon a ''contingency'' (destruction or 24 hours separated) will cause a creature to age?
::::My point was never about "correcting the issue". It's about nonmagical things generating magical effects, once again. If this spell just granted something like the Monk's timeless body, this wouldn't be an issue. But since it's a complicated setup of items bound to a creature's soul dependent on time and abstract things like "wearing", things that a durable shirt wouldn't understand, it seems there's some magic at work here.--[[User:Quey|Quey]] 23:52, 10 September 2012 (UTC)

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