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{{3.5e Monster Classic
|size=Gargantuan Colossal |type=Dragon |subtypes=Incorporeal, Evil|hd=20d12+140 200 |hp=270 330 hp
|init=+0 (+0 Dex)
|speed=40 60 ft., fly 100 250 ft. (clumsy)|ac=37 38 (-4 8 size, +6 deflection +25 30 natural) |touch=12 8 |flat=3738|bab=+20 |grapple=+4456|at=Tail +28 32 melee (4d66d6+1830)|full_at=Bite +28 32 melee (3d64d6+1220) and 2 Claws +2832/+2832/+2327/+2327/+23 27 melee (2d63d6+610) and Tail +28 32 melee (4d66d6+1830) and 2 Wings +28 32 melee (1d82d6+610)|space=20 30 ft. |reach=20 30 ft.
|sa=[[#Breath Weapon|Breath Weapon]], [[#Shadow Force|Shadow Force]], [[#Aura Sphere|Aura Sphere]]
|sq=[[#Spell-like Abilities|Spell-like Abilities]], Immunity to Cold, [[#Pressure|Pressure]], Ghost Pokemon Traits, Dragon Pokemon Traits|fort=+19 22 |ref=+12 |will=+14|str=35 50 |dex=10 |con=25 31 |int=14 |wis=14 |cha=23
|feats=[[SRD:Multiattack|Multiattack]], [[SRD:Improved Multiattack|Improved Multiattack]], Rapidstrike (Claw), Improved Rapidstrike (Claw), [[SRD:Improved Natural Attack|Improved Natural Attack]] (Tail), Empower Breath, Heighten Breath (up to +7)
|skills=Intimidate +34, Hide +23, Sense Motive +25, Know: Arcana +25, Know: Planes +25, Concentration +33, Bluff +30, Gather Information +30
|env=A split between worlds
|align=Neutral Evil
|adv=21-30 25 HD (gargantuanColossal), 3126-40 30 HD (colossalBigLargeMcFuckenHuge), 4131+ HD (effin enormousMonofuckinglithic)
=== Combat ===
'''{{Anchor|Breath Weapon}} ([[Su]]):''' Giratina can breathe a 100' line of dark fire once every 1d4+1 rounds. This deals 2d6 fire damage per hit die, with a Ref save (DC 27Constitution-based) for half damage. Failing the save by 5 or more renders a victim paralysed for 1d4 rounds. Incorporeal foes automatically pass their saving throws, and dragons take a -5 penalty on the save and take half damage if immune to fire. No other creatures need worry if immune to fire. The sample Giratina deals 40d6 damage with a DC of 30. This is a [Dragon] effect.
This can be Empowered (3d6 fire damage per hit die- 60d6 for the sample), increasing the recharge time by 3 rounds. It can also be Heightened, adding +1 to the DC for every round added to the recharge time, up to a maximum of +710. In other words, what happens is it starts the combat with a DC 34 40 breath weapon of 60d6 Fire damage, and can't use it for 1d4+11 rounds (ie. the rest of the battle). The moral of the story is "Be immune to fire at level 20".
'''{{Anchor|Shadow Force}} ([[Su]]):''' As With a Standard actionAction, Giratina can fully move into the Plane of Shadow or the Ethereal plane, becoming immune to any effects not on those planes. It still knows what is going on in the plane it vanished from, and can reappear with a Swift action. If it does not elect to do so within 5 rounds, it is automatically shunted back as a free action Free Action at the end of its turn.
Upon returning, for the rest of its turn any attacks made by it automatically deny the target their Dexterity bonus, and deal an additional 10d6 Negative Energy damage. This is a [Ghost] effect. In Contests, this wins no points of its own, however all points gained the following Round are doubled.
'''{{Anchor|Aura Sphere}} ([[Su]]):''' As With a fullFull-round action Round Action once per minute, Giratina can expand its aura into a sphere of powerful destructive energy. All within 30 feet are automatically struck for 20d6 Force damage. There is no way at all to avoid this effect, although the rare resistance or immunity to Force damage can still apply to the damage. This is actually a [Fighting] effect.
'''{{Anchor|Spell-like Abilities}} ([[Sp]]):''' At will: ''[[SRD:Earthquake|earthquake]]'', ''shadow ball'' (as ''[[SRD:Fireball|fireball]]'', but deals negative energy damage), ''[[SRD:Plane Shift|plane shift]]'', ''[[SRD:Nightmare|nightmare]]'', ''transmute rock to lava'', ''[[SRD:Entangle|entangle]]''; 3/day: ''wraithstrike'', ''[[SRD:Greater Teleport|greater teleport]]'', ''mass harm''. Caster level equals hit dice, and the Save DCs is 10 + Spell Level + Giratina’s Charisma modifier. Shadow Ball, Wraithstrike, Planeshift and Mass Harm are [Ghost] effects. Transmute Rock to Lava is a [Ground] effect.
:The sample Giratina has a caster level of 20 and a save DC of 16 + spell level.