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Meltdown (3.5e Spell)

1 byte removed, 17:23, 15 October 2012
Grammar check
Creatures on the ground no longer have solid ground to stand upon, and may fall into the newly formed acid pool. Immersion in the acid deals 10d6 points of acid damage in that round and each round thereafter that they remain inside the area of effect. Creatures with the area but not submerged take only take 5d6 points of damage from contact with the acidic cloud. Anyone who passes through the area of effect takes either immersion damage or the cloud damage, whichever is applicable to them.
The acid cloud disperses naturally over 20 rounds. A moderate wind (11+ mph), such as from a ''[[SRD:Gust of Wind|gust of wind]] ''spell, disperses the fog in 10 rounds. A strong wind (21+ mph) disperses the fog in 5 [[SRD:Round|rounds]]. Fire has no effect on the strength of the cloud and does not hasten it's its dispersal. The liquid pool of acid is permanent, and will remain indefinitely.</onlyinclude>

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