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Paladin, Tome (3.5e Class)

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Paladins are always of Good alignment. Under [[Tome_of_Fiends_(3.5e_Sourcebook)/Morality_and_Fiends#Ethics_Option_4:_My_Word_is_My_Bond|Word is Bond]] ethics, Paladins must also be Lawful, although other ethical systems do not compel this of them. Under flag-based alignments, Paladins must be aligned with a plane that sponsors Paladins (Mount Celestia under the core cosmology).
Depending on the moral system of the setting, Paladins may or may not have a deific preference. Under flag-based morality, Paladins often have patrons from their sponsoring plane. On the other hand, if the planes of Good are Good because of what they do, rather than what they are, then Paladins are often not dedicated followers of any specific deity; their dedication to overall Good often interferes with their ability to maintain any other allegienceallegiance, even a deific one.
===Making a Paladin===
A Paladin fights in melee and casts protective spells, enhancing their own defenses and those of others, and diverting attacks attacks onto themselves despite their fundamentally being a defensive character. They also have a reasonable supply of information-gathering divination spells.
'''Abilities:''' Wisdom and Charisma are the most important ability scores for the Paladin. The Paladin gains bonus spells per day for a high wisdom, and her spell save DCs are based on Wisdom. Additionally, her Insightful Strike bonus feat means that she can use it for her attacks. Charisma enhances a variety of abilities, such as Turn Undead, Smite Evil, and Holy Shield. Because of her divine gifts, she does not need as high of a Strength or Dexterity as other melee characters might need, although a high Constitution score is always beneficial, and a Paladin can gain benefit from not completely neglecting her Strength.
'''Races:''' Some of the most powerfully magical Paladins are [[Races_of_War_(3.5e_Sourcebook)/Playing_Unusual_Races#Aasimar|Aasimar]] of celestial heritage. [[SRD:Humans_(Race)|Humans]] also provide a sizeable contingent of Paladins. More than a few [[SRD:Halflings,_Lightfoot_(Race)|Halfling]] paladins also exist
'''Alignment:''' Any Good. Under [[Tome_of_Fiends_(3.5e_Sourcebook)/Morality_and_Fiends#Ethics_Option_4:_My_Word_is_My_Bond|My Word is my Bond]] ethics, Lawful Good only. Under [[Planar Flag Alignments (3.5e Variant Rule)|Planar Flag Alignments]], Mount Celestia or equivalent only.
'''Starting Gold:''' 6d4×10 gp (150 gp).

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