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|space=5 ft. |reach=5 ft.
|sa=[[#Jump Kick|Jump Kick]], [[#Charm|Charm]], [[#Splash|Splash]]
|sq=[[#Endure|Endure]], [[#Egg Move|Egg Move]], [[#Normal Pokemon Traits|Normal Pokemon Traits]]
|fort=+5 |ref=+6 |will=+1
|str=6 |dex=14 |con=13 |int=7 |wis=8 |cha=15
*'''Sweet Kiss ([[Su]]):''' As a melee touch attack that does not provoke, Buneary can place a kiss on a foe, forcing a Will save (DC 13) against ''[[SRD:Confusion|confusion]]'' for 1 round per it die. This is a [Psychic] effect. In a Cute Contest, this has a +4 Bonus.
*'''Low Kick ([[Ex]]):''' Whenever Buneary kicks a foe, they must make a Balance check. If they do not match or beat the attack roll, they fall prone. This is a [Fighting] effect. In a Contest, if this has a higher skill check than that of whoever has the most points, they lose a point.
'''{{Anchor|Normal Pokemon Traits}}:''' Fighting attacks are Super Effective, and gain a +4 Competence Bonus to the attack roll or Save DC, and deal extra damage equal to the attacker's hit dice. On the other hand, Ghost attacks have a 50% Miss Chance against Buneary unless specifically stating otherwise.
'''Skills:''' Buneary gains a +4 racial bonus to Jump checks, and it may choose to use Dexterity instead of Strength on Jump checks.