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Simplified Races (3.5e Variant Rule)

972 bytes added, 22:23, 30 October 2012
How it Works: added ghoul race
:Passive Ability - Powerful Build: You are considered one size larger for all effects and abilities when it would be advantageous to you.
:Utility Ability - Mountain Leaper: You are always considered running for the purposes of [[SRD:Jump Skill|jump]] checks.
==== Ghoul ====
:Combat Ability - Feed: As a standard action, you can feed on a dead body (must have died within 8 hours), which provokes attacks of opportunity as normal. Upon completion, you heal 2 HP per CR of the body in life, up to your full normal HP. Any HP over that limit are instead gained as temporary HP, up to a maximum of twice your level, which last for one hour. As normal, multiple temporary hit point applications do not stack; only the newest application applies. You may use this ability as often as you like, provided you have fresh corpses on which to feed. As a secondary benefit, a ghoul cannot contract disease from eating rotting meat.
:Passive Ability - Graveborn: You gain a +4 bonus on saves against death effects, disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and stunning.
:Utility Ability - Sneakiness: You are considered to have a number of ranks in the [[SRD:Hide|Hide]] and [[SRD:Move Silently|Move Silently]] skills equal to your HD + 3.
==== Half-Elf ====

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