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Improved Stunning Fist-CE (3.5e Feat)

No change in size, 22:44, 12 November 2012
Grammar check
|prereqs=[[SRD:Improved Unarmed Strike|Improved Unarmed Strike]], [[SRD:Stunning Fist|Stunning Fist]]
|fluff=Flurry of crits! ATATATATATATATATATATATA!!!!
|benefit=You don't have to use [[Wisdom]] for your Stunning Fist DC. You may select any other ability score, stunning creatures with raw strength, a precise blow, a an exerting haymaker, an intelligently placed strike, or sheer awesomeness. You always use your highest ability score, whichever ability score it happens to be.
Creatures which are immune to stunning are instead staggered for 1 round when they fail a save against your Stunning Fist. Those which are stunned by your Stunning Fist are left vulnerable, and any additional strikes they take during the round are automatically critical threats.
|example=<!-- If your feat has a complicated mechanic, give an example of how it works. -->
|normal=You're frustrated that everyone in and their mother is immune to stunning, you suffer from MAD, and that you're a monk.

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