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SRD:Psionic Focus

9 bytes added, 15:53, 30 November 2012
Gain Psionic Focus: Grammar check
Merely holding a reservoir of psionic [[SRD:Power Points|power point]]s in mind gives [[SRD:Psionic Character|psionic characters]] a special energy. Psionic characters can put that energy to work without actually paying a [[SRD:Power Points|power point]] cost—they can become psionically focused as a special use of the [[SRD:Concentration Skill|Concentration]] skill.
If you have 1 or more [[SRD:Power Points|power points]] available, you can meditate to attempt to become psionically focused. The [[SRD:DC|DC]] to become psionically focused is 20. Meditating is a [[SRD:Full-Round Actions|full-round action]] that provokes [[SRD:Attacks of Opportunity|attacks of opportunity]]. When you are psionically focused, you can expend your focus on any single [[SRD:Concentration Skill|Concentration]] check you make thereafter. When you expend your focus in this manner, your [[SRD:Concentration Skill|Concentration]] check is treated as if you rolled a 15. It’s like taking 10, except that the number you add to your [[SRD:Concentration Skill|Concentration]] modifier is 15. You can also expend your focus to gain the benefit of a [[SRD:Psionic Feats|psionic feat]]—many — many psionic [[SRD:Feats|feats]] are activated in this way.
Once you are psionically focused, you remain focused until you expend your focus, become [[SRD:Unconscious|unconscious]], or go to sleep (or enter a meditative trance, in the case of [[SRD:Elans (Race)|elans]]and elves), or until your [[SRD:Power Points|power point]] reserve drops to 0.

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