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Godslayer (3.5e Prestige Class)

195 bytes added, 15:42, 20 December 2012
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[[Summary::Godslayer Godslayers are fighter specialist fighters specialized in the art of killing Gods. Using a dreadful draining strike and a great array of powerful spells, they can challenge the divine and actually ''win''..]]
[[Minimum Level::20]]
[[Class Ability:: Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting]]
''This article use uses rules from [[Complete Epic (3.5e Sourcebook)|Complete Epic]].''
Godslayers are warriors who have dedicated their lives to the destruction of the Gods. In general , anyway. Godslayers must perform the task of rebellion, a ritual that forever deny denies them Godhood but also give them substantial magical powers. The rituals can only be performed by near-epic or epic characters, when their own personal divine spark is ripe for consumption.
===Becoming a Godslayer===
Individuals who seek to undo the rules of the Gods often turn to the path of Godslayer, killing the problem at it source. The class itself offer offers them skills and spells that are useful to track, find , and destroy the Gods themselves. There are many flavor of Godslayers, ; some may pursue the class so they can keep order among the Gods while not wanting to destroy them all. A few Godslayer Godslayers are even sponsored by specific pantheons, using them as assassins to get rid of other deities or their greatest moral champion.
{{3.5e Prestige Class Prereqs
|alignment= Any Non-good|bab= +15|skills= [[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge]] (Religion) 23 ranks, [[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge]] (The Planes) 23 ranks.|feats= Apostate <small><sup>[[Publication:Elder Evils|ElE]]</sup></small>|special= Must have forged an anathemic weapon using [[Black Embers (3.5e Equipment)|black embers]] and perform the task of rebellion
|special10=[[#Godslaying|Godslaying]], [[#Spark Snuffer|Spark Snuffer]] {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 5
|skills= Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Heal, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Religion), Knowledge (The Planes), Listen,Move Silently, Open Lock, Perform, Profession, Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Speak Language, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Swim, Tumble, Use Psionic Device, Use Rope
|ToPskills=Affability, Appraisal, Athletics, Cultures, Endurance, Healing, Intimidation, Jump, Psychology, Thaumaturgy
====Class Features====
''The DC of all godslayer abilities is equal to 10 +1/2 Hit Dice + the godslayer's [[wisdom]] bonus. For the purpose of ranges, spell-like abilities , and duration of her abilities, the godslayer count counts as having a caster level equal to her character level.''
All of the following are class features of the godslayer.
'''{{Anchor|Spells}}:''' To cast a particular spell, you must have an a [[wisdom]] score of at least 10 + the spell's level. Your bonus spells are based on your [[wisdom]]. Saves to avoid the effects of your spells have a DC of 10 + the spell's level + your [[wisdom]] bonus (if any). You cast spells spontaneously from the spell list below, ; your spells are considered arcane spells.
5th&mdash;''[[Aetherion Blast (3.5e Spell)|aetherion blast]]'', ''[[SRD:Break Enchantment|break enchantment]]'', ''[[SRD:Dismissal|dismissal]]'', ''[[SRD:Dominate Person|dominate person]]'', ''[[SRD:False Vision|false vision]]'', ''[[SRD:Flame Strike|flame Strike]]'', ''[[SRD:Greater Command|greater command]]'', ''[[SRD:Nightmare (Spell)|nightmare]]'', ''[[SRD:Magic Jar|magic jar]]'', ''[[SRD:Mark of Justice|mark of justice]]'', ''[[SRD:Plane Shift|plane shift]]'', ''[[SRD:True Seeing|true seeing]]''
6th&mdash;''[[SRD:Banishment|banishment]]'', ''[[SRD:Blade Barrier|blade barrier]]'', ''[[SRD:Find the Path|find the path]]'', ''[[SRD:Globe of Invulnerability|globe of invulnerability]]'', ''[[SRD:Legend Lore|legend lore]]'', ''[[SRD:Geas/Quest|geas/quest]]'', ''[[SRD:Veil|veil]]''
9th&mdash;''[[Aethernova (3.5e Spell)|aethernova]]'', ''[[Dark Reckoning (3.5e Spell)|dark reckoning]]'', ''[[SRD:Dominate Monster|dominate monster]]'', ''[[SRD:Energy Drain (Spell)|energy drain]]'', ''[[SRD:Etherealness (Spell)|etherealness]]'', ''[[SRD:Foresight|foresight]]'', ''[[SRD:Gate|gate]]'', ''[[SRD:Imprisonment|imprisonment]]'', ''[[Phenomenon Rejection (3.5e Spell)|phenomenon rejection]]'', ''[[SRD:Soul Bind|soul bind]]'', ''[[SRD:Time Stop|time stop]]'', ''[[SRD:Wail of the Banshee|wail of the banshee]]'', ''[[SRD:Weird|weird]]''
If you use mana-based spellcasting , use the table below to determine strain cost.
{| class="zebra d20"
'''{{Anchor|Divine Drain}} {{Su}}:''' All Godslayers possess the terrible ability to drain divinity itself. The godslayer can designate one attack every round (of your choice, chsoen chosen after the hit is confirmed but before damage is rolled) will to inflict a divine drain, creatures . A creature affected by divine drain with divine ranks will temporarily lose a single divine rank, along with all benefits associated with the drained divine rank. 24 hours after the the rank was inflicted, the creature must make a fort save or permanently lose the divine rank. Creatures without divine ranks take twice the amount of divine drain in negative levels.
The strength of the drain increase increases at each odd level (1d4 at 3rd level, 2d4 at 5th, 3d4 at 7th , and so on). Divine drain stack stacks with itself.
'''{{Anchor|Icon of Apostasy}} {{Ex}}:''' The Godslayer receive receives [[SRD:Spell Resistance|spell resistance]] equal to her HD + 20 against all divine spells. Additionally , the bonus to saves granted by the apostate feat now applies against divine salient abilities.
'''{{Anchor|Mantle of the Anathema}} {{Ex}}:''' Godslayers have powerful tools against the Gods themselves, ; they know their weakness and how to best exploit them. Godslayers always know the divine anathema of every deity they study for a full day. Additionally , the Godslayer count herself counts as a divine anathema, much to the dismay of any deity she facefaces. Finally , thanks to their nature, a godslayer using a divine anathema weaken weakens the Gods even more , lowering the God 's effective divine rank by 3 and completely negate negating his divine armor miss chance.
'''{{Anchor|Godslaying}}:''' At each odd level , a Godslayer may choose one of the following ability abilities below:
''{{Anchor|Assassin of the Divines}} {{Ex}}:'' You gain +1d6 sneak attack (or equivalent in sudden strike and death attack) at each odd Godslayer levels level (for a total of of+5d6 at 9th level).
''{{Anchor|Circle of Apostasy}} {{Su}}:'' All allies allied creatures within close range of the godslayer gain half your her character levels as a vile bonus to all saving throw throws against divine spells and divine salient abilities. All enemy divine spellcaster spellcasters within close range to you take half your character levels as a penalty to their caster levels (only when casting divine spells).
''{{Anchor|Crush All Faith}} {{Su}}:'' The godslayer can deliver faith crushing with any attacks granted by base attack bonus. All her attacks granted by base attack bonus force any struck enemy to make a will save or be affected by the effect of [[SRD:Crushing Despair|''crushing despair'']].
''{{Anchor|Curse the Gods}} {{Su}}:'' The godslayer is a harbinger of curses and bad luck. You gain the ability to cast Unluck ''unluck'' as an immediate action. You can also target any creature within close range with ''greater bestow curse''. Both abilities are supernatural abilities usable at will.
''{{Anchor|Dispel the Divine}} {{Su}}:'' The godslayer is capable of ending divine effect effects with great haste, ; as a free action once per round , she may replicate the effect of [[SRD:Greater Dispel Magic|''greater dispel magic'']]. The Godslayer gain gains a +10 bonus on her dispel check when dispelling divine spells and abilities.
''{{Anchor|Ranged Drain}} {{Ex}}:'' The godslayer may now deliver her [[#Divine Drain|divine drain]] with ranged attacks.
''{{Anchor|Smite Divine}} {{Ex}}:'' Once per encounter, a a godslayer may attempt to smite divine a as part of a normal melee attack. She adds her Charisma modifier (if positive) to her attack roll and deals 1 extra point of damage per class level to creatures with divine ranks or with divine spellcasting she hithits. If a godslayer accidentally smites a creature that is not divine or cannot cast divine spellspells, the smite has no effect but it is still used up for that encounter. She gains an additional use of smite divine every odd level.
''{{Anchor|Spark Eater}} {{Ex}}:'' Whenever you drain a divine rank with [[#Divine Drain|divine drain]] , you gain 25 temporary hit points per rank drained. These temporary hit points does not stack , but overlap , and last for 1 hour per ranks drained.
'''{{Anchor|Protection from Gods}} {{Ex}}:''' A 2nd level Godslayer is always under the effect of an effect similar to [[SRD:Protection from Evil|''protection from evil'']] , except instead it all it its effects applies apply against creature creatures with divine ranks , no matter the alignment.
Additionally , as a full-round action , they may replicate the effect of [[SRD:Magic Circle against Evil|''magic circle against evil'']] , except instead it all it its effects applies apply against creature creatures with divine ranks , no matter the alignment.
'''{{Anchor|Anathemic Touch}} {{Ex}}:''' Any weapons, natural weapons , or unarmed attack the Godslayer use uses is considered [[#Black Embers (3.5e Equipment)|anathemic]].
'''{{Anchor|Reject the Divine}} {{Ex}}:''' A 7th level Godslayer using [[Phenomenon Rejection (3.5e Spell)|''phenomenon rejection'']] have has a 100% chance of reversing effects of deities's divine salient abilities. Additionally , if she use uses it for that purpose , she do does no pay any XP cost associated with the spell.
'''{{Anchor|Spark Snuffer}} {{Su}}:''' A 10th level Godlsayer may , as a full-round action , extinguish the spark of an a helpless (or willing) [[God (3.5e Prestige Class)|deity]]. the The deity permanently become becomes an [[God (3.5e Prestige Class)#Ex-Gods|ex-god]]. The deity may regain his spark by redoing the task of ascension , but start starts at divine rank 0 once again. Whenever the Godslayer extinguish extinguishes a spark this way , she may channel it, replicating the effect of a single [[SRD:Miracle|''miracle'']] per divine ranks rank of the deity. These miracles must be used on the spot.
====Task of Rebellion====
A ritual necessary to become a Godslayer. It involve involves oil and rare plants worth 15,000 gp , a friendly Godslayer who will assist the trainee in her ritual , and finally a prized divine minor artifact (or major artifact). As a part of the ritual , the item must be destroyed, then the trainee will forever forsake her personal divine spark, consuming it for powers. The side effects of the ritual allow to the Godslayers to use her abilities, her spellcasting awakened when she destroyed her own spark.
Of course , the ritual made it impossible for her to ever become a deity.
===Campaign Information===
====Playing a Godslayer====
'''Combat:''' Godslayers have powerful spellcasting and plenty of pre-epic skills, they have excellent combat prowess with high point points and high attack bonus. They particularly shine in combat with deities and their servantservants, where their unique Godslayer ability can easily decimate opposition.
'''Advancement:''' Most divine slayer slayers come from fighters and other mundane warriors, ; however a few come from other classes such as fallen paladins or rogues. A rare few wizard wizards and cleric clerics join the rank ranks of GodslayerGodslayers; however, however since the class does not advance other spellcasting , the class is typically shunned by pure castercasters.
'''Resources:''' Godslayer Godslayers find rare fellowship, even from fellow GodslayerGodslayers. Since most of the world population follow the Gods, a Godslayer may find themselves herself shunned from civilization. Only few organization carter organizations cater to them, such as iconoclast thieves guilds or ur-priest circles.
====Godslayer Godslayers in the World====
{{quote|<-Some quote from a character of this class->|4orig=<-NPC name->, <-race-> <-class->}}
<-Where characters of this class fit in a d20 world->

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