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'''Verse of Valor:''' A chorister with at least 3 ranks in Perform can armor her allies with her holy words. All allies within 60ft who can see and hear the chorister gain a +1 AC. At 5rd level and every five levels thereafter, this bonuse increases by 1. In addition, allies affected by this performance gain a bonus against being Bullrushed, Disarmed, Grappled and Tripped equal to the chorister's charisma modifier.
'''Temerarious Council:''' A chorister with at least 3 ranks in Perform can invoke reckless behavior in her foes. All foes within 60ft who can see or hear the chorister take a -1 AC. At 5rd level and every five levels thereafter, this penalty increases by 1. In addition, an opponent who is affected by this scripture is denied the option of taking attacks of opportunity. An opponent must make a Will sv (DC= Performance Check10+1/2Chorister Level+Cha Modifier) to ignore both effects.
'''Words of Restoration:''' A chorister with at least 3 ranks in Perform can heal her allies with but a few words. All allies within 30ft who can see and hear gain immunity to poison and disease for as long as the Holy Scripture is maintained. If the ally is already suffering from a poison or disease the effects are suppressed and they are entitled to a new save with a bonus equal to the chorister's charisma modifier. In addition they gain Fast Healing 1, at 3rd level and every three levels thereafter Fast Healing improves by 1. At 4th level this ability also grants the effects of Lesser Restoration. This ability can only restore an ally once per Holy Scripture. At 8th level this ability grants the effects of Restoration. At 14th level this ability grants the effects Greater Restoration.