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Canon:Raistlin Majere

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:Once there, he confronted Fistandantilus and the two fought for supremacy. The events of the battle between the two powerful Black Robes, as described in Time of the Twins made it clear that Raistlin won, stealing the archmage's identity, memories, and life force as well, as the vast knowledge that Fistandantilus had accumulated over the course of his one-thousand year lifespan.
:In a desperate attempt to stop him, the Conclave sent Raistlin's twin brother Caramon back in time along with the cleric [[Crysania]]. The kender, [[Tasslehoff Burrfoot]] (who, thanks to a magic ring he "found" while roaming the Tower of High Sorcery of Wayreth that turned him into a mouse, was able to escape Par-Salian's detection as the great mage cast the difficult time-travel spell) wandered back in time with Caramon and Crysania. Par-Salian was horrified when he realized he had sent a kender back in time as kender, gnomes and Dwarves, who were not originally created by the Gods, have the ability to change time, whereas humans, [[elves]], [[dragons]], and [[Ogres ]] do not. The Conclave, however, unintentionally helped Raistlin, as he would require Crysania and her clerical abilities to succeed in his plans, and planned on using Caramon as his bodyguard. After the Death Knight, [[Lord Soth]], had attempted to kill Crysania (and failed, as Paladine gathered her soul to him) Raistlin had anticipated that the Conclave's only option would be to send her back through time to the only cleric powerful enough to bring her soul back, the [[Kingpriest ]] of Istar, and was thus able to use her. Only a true cleric of Paladine,the embodiment of good, working together with a mage of the Black Robes, who would have to commit many evil acts to obtain the knowledge and power needed, could open the great portal to the Abyss where Takhisis had been imprisoned. The mages of old who had (accidentally) created the portal had hoped to forever prevent her from entering the world by putting this restriction on it, which required there to be a kender, a white robe, and a black robe alongside each other in order to enter the portal.[3]
:Escaping the Cataclysm, Raistlin travelled forward in time, along with Caramon and Crysania, where he initiated the Dwarfgate Wars (in the guise of Fistandantilus), in an attempt to reach the magical fortress of [[Zhaman]], where the Portal lay. [[Tasslehoff Burrfoot]], however, had been tricked by Raistlin and left to die in the Temple of the Gods in Istar. He ended up in the Abyss (alive) where he met a gnome named [[Gnimsh]], who was able to fix the time traveling device given Caramon by Par-Salian.
:Caring nothing for the war itself or those around him, Raistlin relentlessly pursued his objective. He saw everyone merely as pawns to be used in the greater game he played with the Dark Queen. Everyone, including his brother, could be sacrificed if it furthered his gain. Unlike Fistandantilus, (who had perished in the original timeline during his attempt to open the portal when the gnome, Gnimsh, activated a time-traveling device that actually worked), Raistlin was able to overcome the devastating magical fluctuations that were caused when Caramon activated the time travel device whilst the great portal was being opened because of the presence of Tasslehoff Burrfoot, who had managed to escape the Abyss and travel to where Caramon was.
:The result of the powerful collision of magical forces was a spectacular explosion that ended the [[Dwarfgate War]], destroyed [[Zhaman ]] and catapulted Caramon and Tasslehoff into the future. Raistlin, however, survived and entered the Abyss with Crysania. There he began to face his greatest challenge, a battle with the Dark Queen herself.
:Leaving Crysania dying as a result of the injuries that she had incurred by protecting him from the Dark Queen's legions of minions, Raistlin retreated to the portal, hoping to draw the Dark Queen back into the mortal realm, where he reasoned he would be the stronger of the two. [4]
:Caramon and Tas (as the kender is nicknamed in the series) go back in time to stop Raistlin. Caramon enters the abyss seeing his brother as he makes his way to what will be his successful confrontation with the Dark Queen. Upon seeing his brother Raistlin believes initially that Caramon has come assist him. When he realizes Caramon has come to stop him, Raistlin is prepared to kill his brother to meet his ends. Caramon tell Raistlin what he has seen in the future. Raistlin believes Caramon is lying. Placing his hand on Caramon's head, he, through what can best be described as telepathy, sees Caramon's memory. Not wanting this fate, he tells Caramon to take the wounded Crysania and the staff of Magius back through the Portal out of the Abyss. Turning his attention to the Dark Queen he gives up his life to keep the Dark Queen from entering the world. By remaining in the Abyss, Raistlin allowed his brother the time he needed to return to Krynn, with Crysania, and use the staff of Magius to close the portal, thus preventing the Dark Queen from following.
:Caramon suffered grief as a result of his twin's fate, and later, as he was preparing to take his own life, had a vision of Raistlin's spirit being rescued and given peace by Paladine. This version of events was retold throughout Krynn, and Raistlin became a popular hero for his self-sacrifice. According to legend, although Raistlin's doomed attempt for Godhood perhaps indicated the flawed nature of his personality, it was his final sacrifice that in many ways redeemed him. It was told by [[Dalamar ]] to Tanis Half-Elven that in a way, he had succeeded. Becauses his name was praised by the people of Krynn, he had truly become a god. [5]
====Raistlin's return====
====Raistlin's Daughter====
:A legend of Raistlin that sprung up after the events in Test of the Twins was the story of "Raistlin's Daughter", which tells of Raistlin having a daughter with an [[Irda]]. Caramon himself denied the story, though if the story was true, he would have no memory of the event. During the Chaos War, [[Usha Majere]], a human girl reared by the Irda was introduced, and she suspected that she was Raistlin's daughter. However, when Raistlin encountered her, he denied it, stating that Usha was born of two human parents and was certainly no daughter of his. He also asserted that no magic in the world could steal the knowledge of having been loved.
===Family tree===
Main article: Dragonlance: Dragons of Autumn Twilight
:Kiefer Sutherland headlined[9] the animated movie Dragonlance:[[Dragons of Autumn Twilight]], voicing Raistlin, who was one of the main characters in the film .[10] The tag line of the movie "Chaos. War. Death. This is what I see." is a quote from Raistlin. [11]
:References to Raistlin have appeared in several other media, most notably in heavy metal music. The Swedish band [ Lake of Tears ] recorded a song called "Raistlin and the Rose" for its 1997 album "Crimson Cosmos". "The Soulforged", by German metal band [ Blind Guardian], is another song inspired by Raistlin's story. The song appears on the band's 2002 album A Night at the Opera. The Name Raistlin was further adopted by one of the Guitarists of the German Black Metal-Band [ Fenfire ] as his stage name.
:"Wishmaster", a song by Finnish metal band [ Nightwish ] also pays tribute to Raistlin. Among other references, the song uses the word Shalafi, and there is a lyric that reads "if you hear the call of arcane lore, your world shall rest on earth no more." The song first appeared on the 2001 album of the same name. The song is one of the most popular among the fans and is still played in concerts.
:Mike Dowden, a character in the webcomic [ Something Positive], wanted to name his son Raistlin Dowden, but his girlfriend objected.
:In one strip of [ Bob and George], the helmet author claimed to be Fistandantilus, but George says he must mean Raistlin, and he replies it's the same difference. Both acknowledge very few people would understand this.
:The character was popular enough for Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman to base the Twins Trilogy around the character's relationship with his Twin. The final book of the trilogy [[Test of the twins ]] appeared on the NY Times bestseller list for several weeks in 1986. [2] Ian Hewitt, a staff reviewer from in the Test of the Twins was Raistlin's quest to open the portal to the Abyss in order to enter and confront the Queen of Darkness. The characterisation of the novel was praised and the novel awarded Test of the twins an A+ rating. [12]
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