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Delilah's Dispersal Current (3.5e Spell)

15 bytes removed, 23:25, 21 August 2013
Grammar check
''This will put a shock to your system.''
If The target of this spell is used on an enemy, they take takes 10 points of electricity damage per caster level. The current of electricity then disperses to any other enemies within the target’s melee reach, who each take 2 points of damage per caster level less than the original subject of the spell. This effect continues, with each progressive rank of enemies taking 2 less damage per caster level than the last until the amount of damage is 0 or there are no more targets for the current to move to. The current cannot affect any individual target more than once per casting, and all creatures are entitled to a Fortitude save for half damage.
If a creature is the last person to be affected by the current (that is, if it does not rebound to anyone else after hitting them), then they suffer an additional effect according to how much damage they were dealt (see the table below). The same Fortitude save to reduce damage will also negates negate the bonus effect:
{| class="zebra d20"

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