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Tome of Prowess (3.5e Sourcebook)/Affability

52 bytes added, 19:32, 24 August 2013
DC Modifiers: More elaboration on "murderous"
! Target Rapport !! Example !! DC Modifier
| Murderous || Tries Vitriolically hates you, and tries to murder you on sight. If forced into conversation, and is more likely to scream at you than say something.<br />May stalk you, looking for an opportunity to strike you down. || align="center" | +9
| Hateful || Hates you and would probably frame or stab you if they could get away with it. || align="center" | +6
| Helpful || Likes you and would assist you just because you asked. || align="center" | -6
| Devoted || Is devoted to you and tries to assist you without being asked. Actual “assistance” may not be particularly helpful.<br />May stalk you, looking for an opportunity to help. || align="center" | -9

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