→Combat: Grammar check
'''Adamantine Weapons {{Ex}}:''' The lunar tarrasque’s natural weapons count as adamantine weapons.
'''Augmented Critical {{Ex}}:''' The lunar tarrasque’s bite threatens a critical hit on a natural attack roll of 18-20, dealing triple damage on a successful critical hit. On a confirmed critical hit, the target must make a [[Fortitude]] save DC 50 or lose a random limb besides the head. On a confirmed natural 20, the head is removed. The save DC is [[Strength]]=-based.
'''Carapace {{Ex}}:''' The lunar tarrasque’s armorlike carapace is exceptionally tough and highly reflective, deflecting all rays, lines, cones, and even ''[[SRD:Magic Missile|magic missile]]'' spells. There is a 30% chance of reflecting any such effect back at the caster; otherwise, it is merely negated. Check for reflection before rolling to overcome the creature’s spell resistance.
'''Personal Gravity {{Su}}:''' The lunar tarrasque doesn't play by the rules of your "fiziks". The lunar tarrasque treats itself as being in a normal gravity environment when beneficial.
'''Quaking Step {{Ex}}:''' The ground quakes as the lunar tarrasque walks. Creatures within 5 feet of the lunar tarrasque moving by must make a [[Reflex]] save DC 50 or fall prone. This does not apply if in a light gravity environment (though its personal gravity ensues ensures it will always be normal gravity usually), and reaches out to 15 feet in heavy gravity.
As a full-attack action or whenever it has fallen more than 100 feet, it can create an earthquake in a 30 foot radius around itself. Creatures must make a [[Reflex]] save or fall prone, and take 10d6 nonlethal damage, save negates. The save DC is [[Strength]]-based.
'''Radiant Flare {{Su}}:''' Nobody told us it had a breath weapon!!! Once every 1d4 rounds , a lunar tarrasque can breath a 4000 foot line of nuclear radiation 30 feet wide as a standard action. It deals 1d6 points of [Light] damage per two HD with a [[Fortitude]] save for half, and on a failed save they take an additional 1d4 points of [[Con]] damage. The lunar tarrasque needs to be in sunlight to recharge its radiant flare; any round it spends in shadowy illumination or darker does not count towards recharging its breath weapon.
Radiant Flare counts as ''[[SRD:Disintegrate|disintegrate]]'' for destroying force effects, and the result of creatures which are killed by the blast. As a full attack action , it can instead choose to sweep its beam in a 2000 foot cone, but it only deals half damage. The save DC for both is 50, and the save DC is [[Constitution]]-based.
'''Regeneration {{Ex}}:''' No form of attack deals lethal damage to the lunar tarrasque. The lunar tarrasque regenerates even if it fails a saving throw against a disintegrate spell or a death effect. If the lunar tarrasque fails its save against a spell or effect that would kill it instantly (such as those mentioned above), the spell or effect instead deals nonlethal damage equal to the creature’s full normal hit points +10. The tarrasque is immune to effects that produce incurable or bleeding wounds, such as mummy rot, a sword with the wounding special ability, or a clay golem’s cursed wound ability.
The lunar tarrasque can be slain only by raising its nonlethal damage total to its full normal hit points +10 (or 1550 hit points) and using a ''wish '' or ''miracle '' spell to keep it dead.
If the lunar tarrasque loses a limb or body part, the lost portion regrows in 1d6 minutes (the detached piece dies and decays normally). The creature can reattach the severed member instantly by holding it to the stump.
'''Rush {{Ex}}:''' Once per minute for 1 round, the lunar tarrasque can move at a speed of 150 feet. This adds an additional +44 to its Jump check.
'''Spines {{Ex}}:''' The lunar tarrasque can loose a volley of six spear-like spines from its body as a standard action with a toss of its head or a lash of its tail. They deal 2d10+15 with a 30/x3 critical. Make an attack roll for each spine—all targets must be within 30 feet of each other. The spines have a range increment of 120 ft.
'''Swallow Whole {{Ex}}:''' The lunar tarrasque can try to swallow a grabbed opponent of Huge or smaller size by making a successful grapple check. Once inside, the opponent takes 4d8+15 points of crushing damage plus 4d8+15 points of acid damage per round from the tarrasque’s digestive juices. A swallowed creature can cut its way out by dealing 50 points of damage to the tarrasque’s digestive tract (AC 42 due to [[Adamantine Stomach (3.5e Feat)|Adamantine Stomach]]). Once the creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out. The tarrasque’s gullet can hold 2 Huge, 8 Large, 32 Medium, 128 Small, or 512 Tiny or smaller creatures.
'''Voidborn {{Ex}}:''' The lunar tarrasque lives on the moon, and does not need to breathbreathe. It can also survive on solar radiation and moon dust alone, but rather prefers raw meat. It is immune to radiation and [Light] damage, pressure damage, falling damage, and damage caused by re-entry into an atmosphere.
'''Skills:''' The lunar tarrasque has a +8 bonus to Listen and Spot checks.