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Awareness (3.5e Feat)

40 bytes removed, 17:33, 20 November 2013
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|summary=<!-- Your Charecter has this keen sense to know where enemies are. You feel their presense behind wall, doors, when hidden and around corners. -->
|prereqs=<!-- Alertness -->
|fluff= "Did <!-- Your keen sense of life allows you to almost always feel that?" "Feel what?" "Like, you know, someones watching us?"it. -->|benefit= As long as you charecter is Concious, you charecter can sense the presence of other creatures (Not animated Only intelectual creatures: Animate Object, Animate Dead... ect.) in a ten foot radius even if they can't see them. Similar to a Elfs ability to sense Hidden Doors.
|example=<!-- The party enters a new room. They enter a room, where a Dire Rat is sleeping and Elidia walks past the Rat. She is allowed a Spot check as though she was looking for the Dire Rat (Or other Enemies). -->
|normal= If a player with Alertness preforms a Spot Check, he/she adds a +2 to this check for each monster in a ten foot radius of that charecter.

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