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==DRUID SPELLSDruid Spells=====00th-LEVEL DRUID SPELLS Level Druid Spells (ORISONSOrisons)===
* [[SRD:Create Water|Create Water]]: Creates 2 gallons/level of pure water.
* [[SRD:Cure Minor Wounds|Cure Minor Wounds]]: Cures 1 point of damage.
* [[SRD:Resistance|Resistance]]: Subject gains +1 bonus on [[SRD:Saving Throw|saving throws]].
* [[SRD:Virtue|Virtue]]: Subject gains 1 temporary hp.
===1ST1st-LEVEL DRUID SPELLSLevel Druid Spells===
* [[SRD:Calm Animals|Calm Animals]]: Calms (2d4 + level) [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]] of [[SRD:Animal Type|animals]].
* [[SRD:Charm Animal|Charm Animal]]: Makes one [[SRD:Animal Type|animal]] your friend.
* [[SRD:Summon Nature's Ally I|Summon Nature's Ally I]]: Calls creature to fight.
===2ND2nd-LEVEL DRUID SPELLSLevel Druid Spells===
* [[SRD:Animal Messenger|Animal Messenger]]: Sends a Tiny [[SRD:Animal Type|animal]] to a specific place.
* [[SRD:Animal Trance|Animal Trance]]: Fascinates 2d6 [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]] of [[SRD:Animal Type|animals]].
* [[SRD:Wood Shape|Wood Shape]]: Rearranges wooden objects to suit you.
===3RD3rd-LEVEL DRUID SPELLSLevel Druid Spells===
* [[SRD:Call Lightning|Call Lightning]]: Calls down lightning bolts (3d6 per bolt) from sky.
* [[SRD:Contagion|Contagion]]: Infects subject with chosen disease.
* [[SRD:Wind Wall|Wind Wall]]: Deflects arrows, smaller creatures, and gases.
===4TH4th-LEVEL DRUID SPELLSLevel Druid Spells===
* [[SRD:Air Walk|Air Walk]]: Subject treads on air as if solid (climb at 45-degree angle).
* [[SRD:Antiplant Shell|Antiplant Shell]]: Keeps animated [[SRD:Plant Type|plants]] at bay.
* [[SRD:Summon Nature's Ally IV|Summon Nature's Ally IV]]: Calls creature to fight.
===5TH5th-LEVEL DRUID SPELLSLevel Druid Spells===
* [[SRD:Animal Growth|Animal Growth]]: One [[SRD:Animal Type|animal]]/two levels doubles in size.
* [[SRD:Atonement|Atonement]]: Removes burden of misdeeds from subject.
* [[SRD:Wall of Thorns|Wall of Thorns]]: Thorns damage anyone who tries to pass.
===6TH6th-LEVEL DRUID SPELLSLevel Druid Spells===
* [[SRD:Antilife Shell|Antilife Shell]]: 10-ft.-radius field hedges out living creatures.
* [[SRD:Mass Bear's Endurance|Bear's Endurance, Mass]]: As ''bear's endurance'', affects one subject/ level.
* [[SRD:Wall of Stone|Wall of Stone]]: Creates a stone wall that can be shaped.
===7TH7th-LEVEL DRUID SPELLSLevel Druid Spells===
* [[SRD:Animate Plants|Animate Plants]]: One or more [[SRD:Plant Type|plants]] animate and fight for you.
* [[SRD:Changestaff|Changestaff]]: Your staff becomes a treant on command.
* [[SRD:Wind Walk|Wind Walk]]: You and your allies turn vaporous and travel fast.
===8TH8th-LEVEL DRUID SPELLSLevel Druid Spells===
* [[SRD:Animal Shapes|Animal Shapes]]: One ally/level polymorphs into chosen [[SRD:Animal Type|animal]].
* [[SRD:Control Plants|Control Plants]]: Control actions of one or more [[SRD:Plant Type|plant]] creatures.
* [[SRD:Word of Recall|Word of Recall]]: Teleports you back to designated place.
===9TH9th-LEVEL DRUID SPELLSLevel Druid Spells===
* [[SRD:Antipathy|Antipathy]]: Object or location affected by spell repels certain creatures.
* [[SRD:Mass Cure Critical Wounds|Cure Critical Wounds, Mass]]: Cures 4d8 damage +1/level for many creatures.