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Balanced Wealth (3.5e Variant Rule)

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Magic Items: Items with multiple effects
*Greater magic items are very rare, and wielded by paragons of their kind. Their worth usually ranges anywhere from 25,000 to 200,000 gold. They often replicate the effects of spells from fifth and sixth level
Note that the DM is the final arbiter on what rank a specific magic item gets, and despite the gold that each item is worth is used as the basis of its tier should ''not'' give players an excuse to stack effects until it reaches just below the next tier level, since this is the exact opposite of the intent of the system going for iconic equipment that does one thing well rather than "the ring of everything" that has five different effects stacked atop each other. To this intent, magic items cannot gain multiple effects stacked on them by [[SRD:Creating_Magic_Items#Adding_New_Abilities|adding new effects]] (or even have [[SRD:Creating_Magic_Items#Multiple_Similar_Abilities|multiple effects be]] [[SRD:Creating_Magic_Items#Multiple_Different_Abilities|present upon creation]]).
Characters can gain the benefits of a number of magic items of specific ranks as shown in the table below. However, remember that one can only gain the benefits of up to five magic items at a time. For the purpose of this limit, one-use items (such as potions and scrolls) don't count towards your five magic item limit.
*Fortification - Gain a 25% chance of being immune to sneak attack and critical hits at +1 enhancement bonus the player adds to their armor. This upgrades to 50% at +3 enhancement, and 100% at +5
*Spell Resistance - Gain SR 9 + 2 for every equal to your character level +1 enhancement bonus the player adds to their armor6. Thus, at +3 armor enhancement, this armor grants a 13th level character would have an SR of 1519.*Blinding - Twice per day, anyone within 20' of the wielder must make a Reflex saving throw or be blinded for 1d4 rounds. The DC of this is equal to 12 11 + 2 for every +1 enhancement bonus the player adds to their armoryour character level.
*Fire resistance - Gain Fire Resistance of 5 for every +1 enhancement bonus the player adds to their armor
*Acid resistance - Gain Acid Resistance of 5 for every +1 enhancement bonus the player adds to their armor
Extrapolate these examples to whatever bonus you have in mind, making sure to keep the ability gained in line with the level the character would be when they would be able to gain the ability normally.
;Combining Magical Effects
Some characters might prefer multiple effects on a single item rather than just one effect. An item with two Least effects is considered a Lesser item, and an item with two Lesser effects is considered a Greater item. At the same time, two Least effects can count as a Lesser effect for the purpose of a Greater item.
For example, a Greater item might have four Least effects, or two Least effects and a Lesser effect.
;Starting at Higher Levels

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