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Canon:RPG Terminology

467 bytes added, 05:11, 25 February 2014
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# When bonuses or negatives accrue to make it so that no number a character can roll will impact their success or failure.
* Related to [[Canon:RPG_Terminology#RNG|RNG]]
'''{{Anchor|Oberoni Fallacy}}'''
# Stating that there is nothing wrong with a game because Rule 0 exists. See [ this] for a more detailed explanation.
'''{{Anchor|Story Teller}} (RPG)'''
* [[Canon:RPG_Terminology#DM_.28Dungeon_Master.29|See 'DM']]
'''{{Anchor|Stormwind Fallacy}}'''
# In laymen's terms, using the statement "roleplaying, not rollplaying" is committing the Stormwind Fallacy (who says you can't do both?). See [ this] for a more detailed explanation.
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