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522 bytes added, 22:50, 1 July 2014
The Catch
==The Catch==
Lathespire hasn't made a public appearance, despite the enclave's lavish promotion campaign. Whispers from within the organization hint that he didn't feel his research was complete. Is there a fatal flaw in the product that is being hidden from the public?
Human testing has shown that the alchemical "blood" of the machine is not wholesome. Should it enter the host's bloodstream, it induces a passive and lethargic state, turning the eyes jet black and the skin ashen. Eventually the host will starve, as they are unable to care for themselves in this state. Since the circulatory systems are meant to remain separate, this potential side effect is not advertized.
A particularly drunken soldier was heard spinning tales about seeing this device attached to a Karnathi zombie. He was a regular at taverns, but hasn't been seen after that episode. Was there a hint of truth to his story or did he simply have too much to drink?

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