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Publication:The Complete Sha'ir's Handbook

96 bytes added, 16:44, 25 October 2014
|series=[[Campaign Reference]]
|author=Sam Witt
|preceded by=[[The Complete Gladiator's Handbook]]
|followed by=
|productblurb=Discover the secrets of [[sha'ir]]s, who counsel and cavort with [[genie]]s. Unravel the mysteries of [[elemental mage]]s, who bend flame and sand to their will! This magical tome holds a wealth of new information about [[Zakhara]]'s exotic wizards and their dazzling enchantments. Within you'll find new kits, from [[clockwork mage]]s to [[spellslayer]]s. Here too are new spells and proficiencies, plus clandestine and nefarious societies - exposed at last! A must-have for all Dungeon Masters and wizard players in the [[AL-QADIM]] campaign.

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