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User talk:SylverPhoenix

361 bytes added, 00:28, 24 December 2014
Reply: new section
==Telekinetics? Plural?==
These seem rather different at a cursory glance (based on skimming ability names in the class tables, I have not looked at them in depth), but then why are they then named the same thing? If you want both of them, you should probably rename one or both of them for clarity. If you don't want both of them, you're welcome to overwrite the 1.0 version and get the 2.0 version deleted. Keeping stuff you don't want just clutters the place up, and we prefer not to do it. - [[User:Tarkisflux|Tarkisflux]] <sup>[[User talk:Tarkisflux|Talk]]</sup> 22:48, 23 December 2014 (UTC)
== Reply ==
The first was done without an account; I made an account before posting the second one... I just thought I was logged in when I posted the second one so it would be linked to my account :/
I should get the first one deleted and second one renamed but I'm not sure how to do that (and it's late right now so I'm not going reading and learning xD)

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