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Juggernaut Knight (3.5e Prestige Class)

2 bytes added, 01:42, 6 January 2015
Becoming an Juggernaut Knight
This class feature only applies so long as the Juggernaut Knight is wearing his focused armor.
'''{{Anchor|Golem Traits}} {{Ex}}:''' At 2nd level, the Juggernaut Knight's armor begins to become imbued with a reflection of his own life force, and in turn he gains some construct traits. He gains low-light vision and darkvision out to 60 feet. He becomes immune to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, and death effects. He is constantly under the effect of an ''adapt body'' spell. And finally, he gains 50% fortification. As a result, however, he only gains half the benefit from cure spells and effects, though repair spells now work on the colossus juggernaut knight as if they were a construct. This class feature only applies so long as the Juggernaut Knight is wearing his focused armor.
'''{{Anchor|Juggernaut Defense}} {{Ex}}:''' When an ally within the Juggernaut Knight's threatened area is attacked with an effect that requires an attack roll, he may attempt to intercept the attack and take the blow instead. He makes a Jump check (DC equal to the attack roll; this is not halved even if you count as having a running start). If successful, the Juggernaut Knight moves adjacent to his ally into a square that would intercept the attack (this can include his ally's square if necessary). This movement provokes Attacks of Opportunity, though not from the original attacker.

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