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Canon:RPG Terminology

6 bytes added, 08:27, 9 January 2015
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# DMs who don't like psionics thwarting the psionics fans by introducing a bunch of overpowered psionic monsters who will repeatedly kill psionic users until the players go back to playing regular players.
# Quoting TvTropes: 'The Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Masters' Guide even suggested using "blue bolts from the heavens" and "ethereal mummies" on PCs to keep their players in line.'
# From the same guidebook: Gygax writes an editorial about how anyone who wants to play a monster is an incorrigible power gamer trying to ruin the game for everyone, so if someone wants to play something less human than a dwarf you should let them play an adult gold dragon at first level and then send impossible challenges against the party to kill their character and then repeat until the players go back to playing normal races.
'''{{Anchor|House Rules}}'''

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