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User:Sulacu/Glowcap Mushroom

9 bytes removed, 02:32, 3 April 2015
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:Glowcap mushrooms can be conserved once plucked in airtight containers with a few inches of clean water and/or soil. This maintains their freshness and their glow.
:The stem of a healthy glowcap mushroom possesses curative properties. If stamped and boiled in water, any tea or soup made with the stem of a glowcap will double the rate at which [[SRD:Hit Points|hit points]] are naturall recovered, as well as confer a +2 circumstance bonus to [[SRD:Fortitude|Fortitude]] saves against [[SRD:DiseasedDisease|disease]] and [[SRD:Poisons|poison]] dangers for the next two hours after consumption.
:Depending on the minerals in the local groundwater, glowcaps can attain colours throughout the entire visual spectrum. The most usual colours for a glowcap are green and blue, though traces of hematite or cobalt for example could easily result in a reddish or purplish hue, respectively.
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