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User:Sulacu/Glowcap Mushroom

34 bytes added, 02:45, 3 April 2015
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:'''DC +15 (arcana):''' Any glowcap mushroom exposed to a magic aura over an extended periods (see above) can be used as a potion ingredient or a spell component, boosting the [[SRD:Caster Level|caster level]] of a spell or potion of the corresponding school by +2.
:With a DC 20 [[SRD:Craft Skill|Craft]] (alchemy) check, 50 gp worth in ingredients and 2 hours of time, one pound of glowcap mushroom's stem can be used to brew a potion of ''[[SRD:Detect Magic|detect magic]]'', without the use of actual spells.</onlyinclude>
=== Glowcap Mushrooms in the World ===

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