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1,337 bytes added, 04:01, 22 November 2008
New page: {{Stat Block 2 |name=Clang |sex=male |race=anthropomorphic heavy warhorse |clvl=monstrous humanoid 1 |al=CG |size=medium |type=monstrous humanoid |init=+2 |sens=low-light vision |listen=+5...
{{Stat Block 2
|race=anthropomorphic heavy warhorse
|clvl=monstrous humanoid 1
|type=monstrous humanoid
|sens=low-light vision
|acmods=+4 dexterity, +1 natural
|spd=30 ft.
|melee1=guitar +4 (1d10+6, 20/×3) and bite -1 (5, 20/×2)
|melee2=2 claws +4 (1d2+4, 20/×2) and bite (1d2+4, 20/×2)
|atkop=power attack, cleave
|slad=Not actually SLAs
|freq2=every 1d4 rounds
|sla1/encounter=thunderous racket (+50% weapon damage as sonic damage)
|slaevery 1d4 rounds=CLANG! (swift action, +2 power attack ratio for 1 round), clanger extender (full-round action, thrown full attack with guitar, range increment 20 ft., one fewer attacks, -5 to attacks, all at same target), inexplicable rope (free action, 1 round or until discharged, double base speed while moving in a straight line, applied before multipliers, not touching ground)
|feats=power attack, endurance, cleave, exotic weapon proficiency (guitar)
|skills=listen 4 ranks + 1 ability = 5
|poss=guitar, 225 gp

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