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Canon:Lord Soth

15 bytes added, 05:58, 23 May 2015
Fall of a Rose
==Fall of a Rose==
Soth had soon begun cheating on his wife with Isolde. Their affair continued, even when Soth's wife, Korinne, became pregnant through magical means. Matters become more complicated when Isolde herself became pregnant, just a month before Soth and Korinne's child was to be born. When the child was born, it was deformed by magic and Soth, blaming his wife for their son's appearance, murdered had both his child and his wifemurdered by Karadoc, claiming that they had both died in childbirth. Six months later, he married Isolde. 
The following year, Isolde gave birth to a baby boy, named after Soth's great-great-grandfather, [[Peradur Soth]]. One month later, Soth was summoned to Palanthas by the High Justice, where a panel of Knights charged and found him guilty of the murder of his first wife. Soth was sentenced to death, but was rescued from public beheading by a group of his loyal knights, and fled with them to Dargaard Keep. Not wishing to attack the fortress, the Knights banished Soth to [[Knightlund]], where his keep was located. 
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