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Dark Harvest (3.5e Equipment)

122 bytes added, 12:07, 2 September 2015
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The save DC for the dark harvest's critical slaying attack is 10 + the wielder's [[SRD:Charisma|Charisma]] bonus + half dark harvest's [[SRD:Caster Level|caster level]], rounded down.
When killing a living creature with its attacks or ingrained spells, ''dark harvest'' recovers one charge. It recovers 2 charges from a creature whose [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]] is at least the weapon's CL - 3, and 3 charges from a creature whose [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]] is at least the weapon's CL + 3. Any creatures so creature killed by the dark harvest's critical slaying attack replenishes twice the number of charges it normally would. Creatures weak that enough to be killed outright by the dark harvest's ''[[SRD:Blasphemy|blasphemy]]'' effect would kill it outright do not replenish any charges. [[SRD:Summoning Subschool|Summoned]] creatures also cannot replenish a dark harvest scythe, but [[SRD:Calling Subschool|called]] creatures can. Charges recovered over the maximum of 5 are channeled in a burst of negative energy that empowers the dark harvest's next melee attack. This attack, if successful, deals +2d6 points of vile damage per point of overcharge.
'''Prerequisites:''' CL 15th; [[SRD:Craft Magic Arms and Armor|Craft Magic Arms and Armor]]; ''[[SRD:Blasphemy|blasphemy]]'', ''[[SRD:Desecrate|desecrate]]'', ''[[SRD:Slay Living|slay living]]'', ''[[SRD:Magic Circle against Good|magic circle against good]]'', ''[[SRD:Unholy Aura|unholy aura]]'', ''[[SRD:Unholy Blight|unholy blight]]'', creator must be [[SRD:Neutral Evil|evil]]. Market price 176,000 gp; 88,000 gp + 7,040 XP.

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