I forgot that giants are simply massive humanoids.
'''{{Anchor|Adaptive Size}} {{Ex}}''': The Monado adapts to the size of its wielder, and will always be the most appropriate size for its wielder.
'''{{Anchor|Destiny is Not a Toy}} {{Ex}}''': The Monado is a rather choosy weapon — it selects its wielder. You can still wield it if it doesn't deem you worthy, but it's going to cost you. A '''''lot'''''. A character who wields the Monado without having performed any of its rituals takes 1d4 points of Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution [[SRD:Ability DrainDrained|drain]] for every encounter that they use the Monado in. Furthermore, upon using a [[#Monado Arts|Monado Art]], the wielder must succeed on a [[Fortitude]] save followed by a [[Will]] save, both of which have a DC of 16; failure on either save results in taking 1 point of Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution [[SRD:Ability Burn|burn]] and 1d4 backlash damage. Backlash damage cannot be resisted by any means, and a creature killed by backlash damage loses one additional level if and when it is brought back to life. This can easily escalate to the point where a character permanently loses the use of a limb, so be careful.
'''{{Anchor|Enemy of Machines}} {{Ex}}''': The Monado is extremely deadly to mechanical creatures. When used against constructs, it does double damage, ignores any damage reduction the construct has, and is capable of scoring critical hits and being used to perform sneak attacks.
'''{{Anchor|Aversion to Flesh}} {{Ex}}''': In its base state, the Monado cannot harm humanoids, ''period''. Any attack made with the Monado against a humanoid, monstrous humanoid, giant, or fey automatically misses — even if it's an attack that shouldn't be ''able'' to miss, like a coup de grace. (This isn't to say that the Monado can't hurt living things; it's perfectly capable of slaughtering animals, magical beasts, vermin, et cetera. But it can't cut sapient beings.)
'''{{Anchor|Hints of the Future}} {{Sp}}''': The Monado's wielder sometimes gets a vague vision of something that's about to happen; however, they have virtually no control over if or when it happens. Once a day, at the DM's discretion, the Monado's wielder may receive the effect of an [[SRD:Augury|''augury'']].
'''{{Anchor|Monado Arts Unlocked}}''': After completing the first ritual, the following Monado Arts become available:
*'''''{{Anchor|Monado Shield}}'' {{Sp}}''': As an immediate action, the Monado's wielder can conjure a barrier formed from the will of the universe itself to envelop himself or a single ally within Close range. This barrier completely negates the next attack performed on the subject, as long as the source of the attack has a CR no greater than the wielder's character caster level. (For instance, you would need a character caster level of at least 7 to protect someone from a cave-in.) If the attack in question is a spell, power, maneuver, invocation, soulmeld, or other ability whose power is governed by a level-dependent value (such as caster level, manifester level, initiator level, or meldshaper level), that value is used in place of the attacker's character levelChallenge Rating, unless their character level Challenge Rating is higher. The attack to be negated must occur in 2 rounds, or Monado Shield dissipates. Monado Shield is the equivalent of a 3rd-level spell, and can be used once every 1d6 rounds. Its caster level is equal to the wielder's character level.
*'''''{{Anchor|Monado Speed}}'' {{Sp}}''': As a swift action, the Monado's wielder can enhance the agility of himself and all allies within 100 feet. This grants the affected creatures a +20-ft. enhancement bonus to movement speed, a +8 dodge bonus to AC which increases by +1 per caster level, a +4 dodge bonus to Reflex saves which increases by +1 per 2 caster levels, and improved evasion. The effect lasts for 4 rounds. Monado Speed is the equivalent of a 2nd-level spell, and can be used once every 1d6 rounds. Its caster level is equal to the wielder's character level.
*'''''{{Anchor|Monado Purge}}'' {{Sp}}''': As a standard action, the Monado's wielder can perform [[SRD:Dispel Magic|''dispel magic'']]. However, Monado Purge is not directly equivalent to ''dispel magic''. Instead of selecting a target, Monado Purge takes the form of a ray. In addition to potentially dispelling its victim's buffs, Monado Purge does 1d4 damage per caster level (maximum 10d4) and inflicts a debuff known as [[Aura Seal (3.5e Condition)|Aura Seal]], which prevents the victim from benefiting from any and all buff effects. Aura Seal inflicted by Monado Purge lasts for 1d6+2 rounds, and can be negated by a Will save (save DC calculated normally for a spell, using the wielder's Charisma as their spellcasting stat). There is no caster level limit for the dispel check. Monado Purge is the equivalent of a 4th-level spell, and can be used once every 1d4 rounds. Its caster level is equal to the wielder's character level.
'''Variable Bonus''': The Monado's enhancement bonus is increased to +5.
'''{{Anchor|Cut down anyone in your way!}} {{Ex}}''': [[#Aversion to Flesh|Aversion to Flesh]] no longer applies. The Monado II can be used against any type of creature; humanoids, monstrous humanoids, giants, and fey are now fair game.
'''{{Anchor|Monado Arts Fully Unlocked}}:''' Almost all Monado Arts are now available. The Monado Arts added when the Monado achieves this form are:
*'''''{{Anchor|Monado Armour}}'' {{Sp}}''': As a standard action, the Monado's wielder can envelop himself and all allies within 100 feet with a protective sheen that softens the impact of all attacks. This protective sheen grants subjects [[SRD:Damage Reduction|damage reduction]] 3/- — per caster level and [[Spell Dampening (3.5e Creature Ability)|spell dampening]] 1 per 2 caster levels. The effect lasts for 3 rounds. Monado Armor Armour is the equivalent of a 5th-level spell, and can be used once every 1d6 rounds. Its caster level is equal to the wielder's character level.
*'''''{{Anchor|Monado Cyclone}}'' {{Sp}}''': As a standard action, the Monado's wielder can generate a torrent of raw energy around himself. This takes the form of a 25-foot cylinder centered on the wielder. All creatures opposed to the wielder caught in the cylinder take 1d8 damage per caster level and get knocked [[SRD:Prone|prone]], with a Reflex save allowed to halve the damage ''or'' negate falling prone (a victim can't do both). The save DC is calculated as normal for a spell. Monado Cyclone is the equivalent of a 6th-level spell, and can be used once every 1d8 rounds. Its caster level is equal to the wielder's character level.
*'''''{{Anchor|Monado Eater}}'' {{Sp}}''': As a standard action, the Monado's wielder can generate a pulse of dark ether. This is a 20-foot cone that does 1d6 damage per caster level to all enemies in its path. In addition, victims are subjected to the effect of [[SRD:Greater Dispel Magic|''greater dispel magic'']] and lose 1 hit point per caster level for 1 round per caster level due to bleeding. (Obviously, creatures not bothered by bleeding, like constructs, undead, and oozes, don't lose hit points over time as a consequence of being hit by Monado Eater.) A successful Fortitude save can halve the hit point damage and prevent the damage over time. However, the success or failure of the save does not influence the dispel check. The save DC is calculated normally for a spell. Monado Eater is the equivalent of a 7th-level spell, and can be used once every 1d8 rounds. Its caster level is equal to the wielder's character level.
''Prerequisites:'' BAB +9 or character level 12th, must have attempted to use the Monado to strike a humanoid, monstrous humanoid, giant, or fey creature, must have made peaceful contact with a god
''Cost'': 10,000 XP