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Hungry Floor (3.5e Equipment)

41 bytes added, 22:13, 11 October 2015
{{#set:Summary=A twist on the familiar "pit trap" concept where the floor opens up from underneath a victim, then closes up on them.}}
At first, this seems like a completely normal floor. However, when a creature steps into the center of the trap (the central square in a 9-by-9 space), the floor suddenly opens up into a 50-foot-deep pit. The victim(s) is entitled to a DC 22 Reflex save to leap out of the way as the floor opens up. After 1 round, the floor closes up, crushing anything stuck in the pit to a pulpand instantly killing it, as at the end of an [[SRD:Earthquake|''earthquake'']] spell. The floor closing up automatically resets the trap.
The Search DC to detect the trap is 31, and the Disable Device DC is 31; the trigger is very small and difficult to find. However, once located, creatures of Medium or smaller size should have no trouble simply walking around it.
Strong conjuration; CL 15th; [[SRD:Craft Wondrous Item|Craft Wondrous Item]], ''tunnel swallow''<ref name="spc">[[Publication:Spell Compendium|Spell Compendium]]</ref>, [[SRD:Earthquake|''earthquake'']]; Price [[Cost::63,600 gp]].

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