→Becoming a Guardian: Grammar check
|otherpowerreq=Able to initiate 3rd-level maneuvers.
'''{{Anchor|Maneuvers}}:''' At each level, a guardian gains new martial maneuvers per day and an increase in initiator level (and maneuvers known, if applicable) as if he had also gained a level in an initiator class to which he belonged before adding the prestige class level. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If he had more than one initiator class before becoming a guardian, he must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining the recovery of maneuvers, initiator level, and maneuvers known.
'''{{Anchor|Defense Bonus}}:''' Guardians have a defense bonus that applies to many of their special defensive abilities. This defense bonus can be considered a counter to an attacking creature's attack bonus, and is equal to the guardian's [[SRD:Base Attack Bonus|base attack bonus]] + the guardian's [[SRD:Shields|shield]] bonus to AC + the guardian's [[SRD:Constitution|Constitution]] bonus.
'''''{{Anchor|Defender}}'' {{Ex}}:''' A guardian sacrifices his offense in order to provide a more effective defense to himself or his allies. A 1st-level guardian may enter the ''Defender'' stance at will as a [[SRD:Move Actions|move action]]. The guardian must expend a [[SRD:Move Actions|move action]] at the start of every turn to maintain the stance.
While the Defender stance is active, the guardian may perform a ''defensive roll'' out of turn in response to a successful attack roll made against himself or an ally in one of his adjacent squares. The defensive roll is equivalent to an attack action out of turn, and is made at 1d20 + the guardian's [[#Defense Bonus|defense bonus]].
Like with iterative attacks , the guardian may make a second defensive roll with a -—5 penalty at +11 BAB, and a third defensive roll with a -—10 penalty at +16 BAB. A guardian may always choose to take a readied [[SRD:Standard Actions|standard action]] to perform an extra defensive roll at a +5 bonus, at the cost of having no attacks during his turn.
When a defensive roll beats the targeted attack roll, the target of the attack takes no damage. Instead, the guardian takes half of the damage the target would have otherwise taken. If used to defend against an attack made against the guardian himself, a successful defensive roll effectively halves the damage dealt.
'''{{Anchor|Defense Pool}}:''' A guardian's defense is so strong that he can parry and deflect some attacks that would otherwise wound him. A guardian has a ''defense pool'' equal to 3 times his class level. This defense pool acts as [[SRD:Temporary Hit Points|temporary hit points]] that are replenished at the start of each turn. Any damage dealt that exceeds the remainder of the guardian's defense pool is dealt normally to his [[SRD:Hit Points|hit points]]. The guardian does not benefit from his defense pool during rounds in which he makes a full attack action.
'''[[SRD:Damage Reduction|{{Anchor|Damage Reduction}}]]:''' At 2nd level, a guardian gains [[SRD:Damage Reduction|damage reduction]]. Subtract 1 from the damage the guardian takes each time he is dealt damage from a weapon or a natural attack. At every even guardian level thereafter (4th, 6th, 8th , and 10th), this damage reduction rises by 1 point. Damage reduction can reduce damage to 0 but not below 0. Damage reduction from this class stacks with other sources from of damage reduction/- gained from classes like the [[SRD:Barbarian|barbarian]], [[SRD:Feats|Featsfeats]] like [[SRD:Damage Reduction (Feat)|Damage Reduction]] , and items like [[SRD:Adamantine|Adamantineadamantine]] armor, but not spells or other temporary special abilities that grant damage reduction.
'''{{Anchor|Bulwark}} {{Ex}}:''' A 2nd-level guardian roots his feet to the ground and doesn't allow himself to be moved easily. He gains a bonus equal to his guardian level to any and all opposed checks to avoid being [[SRD:Grapple|grappled]], [[SRD:Bull Rush|bullrushed]], [[SRD:Trip|tripped]], [[SRD:Trample|trampled]], or [[SRD:Overrun|overrun]], as well as to saving throws against any effect meant to move the guardian against his will. The guardian may replace his [[SRD:Strength|Strength]] or [[SRD:Dexterity|Dexterity]] modifier with his [[SRD:Constitution|Constitution]] modifier for the purpose of making these opposed checks.
If the guardian is targeted by a grapple-, bull rush-, trip- , or overrun attempt while using his [[#Defender|Defender]] stance, he may expend one of his defensive rolls for the [[SRD:Round|round]]. In this case, the opponent attempting the move is treated as not having any of the following feats; [[SRD:Improved Grapple|Improved Grapple]], [[SRD:Improved Trip|Improved Trip]], [[SRD:Improved Bull Rush|Improved Bull Rush]], or [[SRD:Improved Overrun|Improved Overrun]]. He still makes the opposed check as normal.
'''{{Anchor|Provoke}} {{Ex}}:''' A guardian is fantastic at forcing his opponents' hand, compromising their defenses in the process. As a [[SRD:Standard Actions|standard action]], a 2nd-level guardian may designate one enemy within 30 feet. This enemy incurs a -—6 circumstance penalty to attack and damage rolls, except when attacking the guardian. If the designated enemy attacks another creature while within the guardian's [[SRD:Space/Reach (Creature Statistic)|reach]], the guardian may make an [[SRD:Attack of Opportunity|Attack of Opportunity]]. This effect lasts until discharged or until the enemy moves further than 30 feet away from the guardian, and may be switched to another enemy as a [[SRD:Standard Actions|standard action]].
'''{{Anchor|Entrenchment}} {{Ex}}:''' Regardless of where the battle is fought, a guardian is hard to get around. Each square within 5 feet of a 3rd-level guardian counts as [[SRD:Difficult Terrain|difficult terrain]] for his foes. The range of this ability increases to 10 feet at 6th level, and to 15 feet at 9th level.
'''{{Anchor|Phalanx}} {{Ex}}:''' A guardian must be able to hold the line at any time. At 4th level, he learns to share his [[SRD:Shields|shield]] bonus to [[SRD:Armor Class|Armor Class]] with all adjacent allies. This shield bonus overlaps (does not stack) with any shield bonuses any allies may already possess.
Furthermore, just like his allies depend on the guardian for a solid defense, the guardian depends on his allies for a mighty offense. Whenever a 4th -level guardian may make an [[SRD:Attack of Opportunity|attack of opportunity]], he may designate an adjacent ally to make the attack of opportunity in his stead, provided the provoking creature is within melee range of the ally.
'''{{Anchor|Renewal}} {{Ex}}:''' Whenever a guardian renews his mind, he renews his body as well. Every time a 5th-level guardian gains or recovers one or more maneuvers, he also regains a number of [[SRD:Hit Points|hit points]] equal to his guardian level. This effect can only happen a maximum of once per [[SRD:Round|round]].
'''{{Anchor|Ward}} {{Ex}}:''' An experienced guardian can even gird himself and his allies against magic. A 7th-level guardian projects a [[Ward (3.5e Creature Ability)|ward]] equal to 10 + half his [[#Defense Bonus|defense bonus]], that extends to adjacent allies. This ward is not supernatural in nature, and instead represents the guardian's ability to quickly and decisively repel and deflect magical and touch attacks from himself and his closeby allies.
'''{{Anchor|Aggravate}} {{Ex}}:''' At 8th level, the penalty to attack and damage rolls of a [[#Provoke|Provoked]] enemy increases to -—10. Furthermore, any enemy in a square adjacent to the guardian automatically takes a -—4 penalty to attack rolls and damage rolls, except when attacking the guardian. If these two penalties apply to the same target, they do not stack.
'''{{Anchor|Supreme Stonewall}} {{Ex}}:''' The guardian's defense becomes so solid that it stops nearly everything in its tracks. A 9th-level guardian's [[#Stonewall|stonewall]] ability may extend to a single adjacent 5-foot square. For all intents and purposes, the guardian occupies both squares, and both squares cannot be [[SRD:Tumble Skill|Tumbled]] through. Furthermore, the guardian actively blocks line of effect to any creature or object behind him. Area effects that hit the guardian frontally do not pass through him, and do not reach any place behind him. The guardian grants [[SRD:Cover#Total Cover|total cover]] to any creature within 30 feet of him against attacks or area effects that have to pass through his squares to reach the creature.
Moving more than 5 feet in a single turn immediately ends this stance.
====Playing a Guardian====